upstart (service 與 initctl 與 systemd )

/etc/init                   <-- upstart job
/etc/init.d/SCRIPT    <-- sysinit

service <--- sysvinit
initctl list  <--- upstart job

service service_name stop
service service_name start




Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon (ubuntu 開發的)



  • start                       Start job.
  • stop                        Stop job.
  • restart                     Restart job.
  • reload                      Send HUP signal to job.
  • status                      Query status of job.
  • list                          List known jobs.


Usage example:

i.e. 1

initctl list

rc stop/waiting
tty (/dev/tty3) start/running, process 1217
tty (/dev/tty2) start/running, process 1215
tty (/dev/tty1) start/running, process 1213
tty (/dev/tty6) start/running, process 1225
tty (/dev/tty5) start/running, process 1223
tty (/dev/tty4) start/running, process 1219
plymouth-shutdown stop/waiting
control-alt-delete stop/waiting
rcS-emergency stop/waiting
kexec-disable stop/waiting
quit-plymouth stop/waiting
rcS stop/waiting
prefdm stop/waiting
init-system-dbus stop/waiting
splash-manager stop/waiting
start-ttys stop/waiting
rcS-sulogin stop/waiting
serial stop/waiting

i.e. 2

initctl status tty6

tty6 start/running, process 1043

i.e. 3

initctl status 'tty'

initctl: Unknown parameter: TTY
Usage: tty TTY=/dev/ttyX  - where X is console id

在 /etc/init/start-ttys.conf

initctl start tty TTY=$tty


  reload-configuration        Reload the configuration of the init daemon.

  show-config                 Show emits, start on and stop on details for job configurations.

  start on (runlevel [23] and not-container)
  stop on runlevel [!23]

check-config                Check for unreachable jobs/event conditions.






System initialization is started by /etc/init/rcS.conf

Individual runlevels are started by /etc/init/rc.conf

Ctrl-Alt-Delete is handled by /etc/init/control-alt-delete.conf

Terminal gettys are handled by /etc/init/tty.conf and /etc/init/serial.conf   <---- /etc/sysconfig/init




Table 1: Well-Known Event Summary.

|Ref |          Event           | Type | Emit |          Time          | Note |
|    | all-swaps                |  S   |  M   | > (5)                  |      |
|    | control-alt-delete(7)    |  S   |  A   | > (5)                  |  A   |
|    | container                |  S   |  C   | > /run mounted         |  Q   |
|    | dbus-activation          |  S   |  B   | > D-Bus client request |      |
|    | deconfiguring-networking |  H   |  V   | < non-local IFs down   |  P   |
|    | desktop-session-start    |  H   |  D   | > X(7) session created |  B   |
|    | desktop-shutdown         |  H   |  D   | > X(7) session ended   |  O   |
|    | device-not-ready         |  H   |  M   | > (2)                  |  N   |
|    | drm-device-added         |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | failsafe-boot            |  S   |  X   | > (7) and local IF     |  S   |
| 7  | filesystem               |  S   |  M   | After last (1)         |  D   |
|    | graphics-device-added    |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | keyboard-request(7)      |  S   |  A   | > (5)                  |  E   |
|    | local-filesystems(7)     |  S   |  M   | > (6)                  |      |
|    | login-session-start      |  H   |  D   | < DM running           |  F   |
| 1  | mounted(7)               |  H   |  M   | > associated (2)       |  G   |
| 2  | mounting(7)              |  H   |  M   | > (5)                  |  H   |
| 3  | net-device-added         |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | net-device-changed       |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | net-device-down          |  S   |  F   | < (4)                  |  C   |
| 4  | net-device-removed       |  S   |  U   | > (5)                  |  C   |
|    | net-device-up            |  S   | F,N  | > (3)                  |  C   |
|    | not-container            |  S   |  C   | > /run mounted         |  Q   |
|    | power-status-changed(7)  |  S   |  I   | > (5)                  |  I   |
|    | recovery                 |  S   |  G   | Boot (<5)              |  R   |
|    | remote-filesystems(7)    |  S   |  M   | > (6)                  |      |
|    | runlevel(7)              |  M   |  T   | > (7) + (8)            |      |
|    | socket(7)                |  S   |  S   | > socket connection    |      |
| 5  | startup(7)               |  S   |  I   | Boot                   |  J   |
|    | started(7)               |  S   |  I   | > job started          |  K   |
|    | starting(7)              |  H   |  I   | < job starts           |  K   |
| 8  | static-network-up        |  S   |  N   | > last static IF up    |      |
|    | stopped(7)               |  S   |  I   | > job stopped          |  K   |
|    | stopping(7)              |  H   |  I   | < job stops            |  K   |
|    | unmounted-remote-        |  H   |  V   | >   last   remote   FS |  L   |
|    | filesystems              |      |      | unmounted              |      |
| 6  | virtual-filesystems(7)   |  S   |  M   | > last virtual FS (1)  |  M   |
         'DM' is an abbreviation for Display Manager.
         'FS' is an abbreviation for filesystem.
         'IF' is an abbreviation for Network Interface.



Table 2: Event Types.

|Ref | Event Type | Notes               |
| H  | Hook       | Blocking. Waits for |
|    |            | events  that  start |
|    |            | on  or stop on this |
|    |            | event.              |
| M  | Method     | Blocking task.      |
| S  | Signal     | Non-blocking.       |


Table 3: Event Emitters.

|Ref | Emitter                          | Notes                           |
| A  | System Administrator (initiator) | Technically emitted by init(8). |
| B  | dbus-daemon(1)                   | Run with "--activation=upstart" |
| C  | container-detect job             |                                 |
| D  | Display Manager                  | e.g. lightdm/gdm/kdm/xdm.       |
| F  | ifup(8) or ifdown(8)             | See /etc/network/.              |
| G  | bootloader or initramfs          |                                 |
| I  | init(8)                          |                                 |
| M  | mountall(8)                      |                                 |
| N  | network-interface job            |                                 |
| S  | upstart-socket-bridge(8)         |                                 |
| T  | telinit(8), shutdown(8)          |                                 |
| U  | upstart-udev-bridge(8)           |                                 |
| V  | System V init system             |                                 |
| X  | failsafe job                     |                                 |



init(5), init(8), and initctl(8)


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