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Squeeze VM Image (Space Reclamation)

最後更新: 2019-10-10


  • vbox - 為 HardDisk image 減肥
  • zerofree
  • sdelete
  • qemu-img
  • virt-sparsify
  • virt-filesystems




power-status-changed(7) - Linux man page


power-status-changed - event signalling change of power status

power-status-changed [ENV]...

The power-status-changed event is generated by the Upstart init(8) daemon when it receives the SIGPWR signal, this has been typically generated by UPS monitoring software such as powstatd(8)
This event is not handled in the default Upstart configuration.


A task to be run on change of power status might use:

windows live mail

C:\Users\<USER_NAME>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live Mail\<E-Mail_account>

account<UUID>.oeaccount   <-- XML 來.

Password 是加密了在

<IMAP_Password2 type="BINARY">????</IMAP_Password2>


Tools -> Options -> Advanced Tab -> Maintenance button


最後更新: 2018-10-10





[requester] -> [service] <--> [writers]
                   |              |
             [Software/Hardware provider]

VSS Element

VSS requester  

The software that requests the actual creation of shadow copies

(or other high-level operations like importing or deleting them)

Typically, this is the backup application

VSS provider  

The component that creates and maintains the shadow copies.

This can occur in the software or in the hardware.

The Windows operating system includes a VSS provider that uses copy-on-write.

If you use a storage area network (SAN), it is important that you install the VSS hardware provider for the SAN,

if one is provided. A hardware provider offloads the task of creating and maintaining a shadow copy from the host operating system.

VSS writers

The VSS implementation is slightly more advanced than a simple snapshot.

It also supports a notification system, through which any program can register itself as a writer.

When a snapshot is requested, VSS will notify each registered writer.

This allows any program to flush data to disk before creating a snapshot


  • Requestor (Cobian Backup 11 Volume Shadow Copy Requester)
  • Writer (SQL Server VSS Writer)

* vssadmin 要 Administor 權限才行到

Volume Shadow Copy Service Tools



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