Cobian backup

最後更新: 2016-06-04

Cobian 支援 backup 的 location有:

  • FTP
  • Local Disk




Tools -> Options -> Engine

  • Copy NTFS permissions
  • Include junction points
  • Prevent sleeping


cbVSCService11 (Cobian Backup 11 Volume Shadow Copy Requester)


它需要 .Netframework 3.5 才可以 start service

如果直接 backup db (mssql, mysql) 而又沒有 ShadowCopy, 那一定出事

因為佢會存取在 root 的 system volume !!

Start Service

net start cbVSCService11

用了 Shadow Copy 的 log

Backing up the directory "GLOBALROOT\Device\HarddiskVolumeShadowCopy11\"


Fine tuning


C:\Program Files (x86)\Cobian Backup 10\cbSrvControl.exe

不選 Auto-start the interface for all users


Red flag (Park Backup)


Park Backup prevent it from being automatically deleted.

This is specially important for incremental backups when the first backup will usually be full and the next backup only partial.

它會影響 Backup 數量

Full copie to keep + Red flag = number of copy





pre-backup events may indicate failure, to abort the backup

An error *does* occur if one of the pre-backup events is an .exe file that doesn't exist (not a .bat file though, it silently ignores backup events pointing to non existent batch files).

ERR 2013-11-07 20:47 The program "C:\test.exe" couldn't be executed by the user interface: The system cannot find the file specified

Exclude System Folder & File


*\System Volume Information\*






Running a backup for the second time right after the first one ends

Uncheck "Run missed backups"


The task "Weekly backup DB" is already present on the queue. Ignoring it...

clone it, delete original

Q3 - Backup to NAS

"Cannot create a file when that file already exists"

NAS join AD domain. Set "the job to run as a domain user" who have the right on the NAS.

Q4 - Backup to NAS

Couldn't create the destination directory "\\...."

假設用以下 cmd mount 了 driver



Change service run as your user ( 不是 apps 內的 "Run the task as another user" )

It is because you are running the program as a SERVICE. By default Cobian installs as a SERVICE.


Re-install the program as a APPLICATION and the problem will go away.


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