在 Windows 上限速 (Limit bandwidth)

最後更新: 2020-08-12



  • Policy-Based QoS
  • NetQoS
  • DSCP Values


只限制到 Upload Speed !!


Policy-Based QoS


Differentiated services code point (DSCP) value to specify the priority of traffic.

OS >= s2008r2

 * On Domain Only


Group Policy Management Console (GPMC) # gpedit.msc


* The QoS policy created by gpedit only creates policies for the "domain" network profile.




OS: 2012, 2016

PowerShell CLI

  • New-NetQosPolicy
  • Get-NetQosPolicy
  • Remove-NetQosPolicy
  • Set-NetQosPolicy

# To a subnet

PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy -Name "Backup" -IPDstPrefix "" -ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond 40MB

# Source Port OR Destination Port

PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy -Name "HTTPS" -IPPort 443 -IPProtocol TCP -ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond 40MB

Name           : HTTPS
Owner          : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence     : 127
JobObject      :
IPProtocol     : TCP
IPPort         : 443
ThrottleRate   : 52.429 MBits/sec



Specifies the QoS policy name


Specifies the profile, or connection type, of a network

Accepted values: Domain, Public, Private, All (DEFAULT)

-IPPort N

It can be either source port or destination port.


-IPSrcPortMatchCondition N

-IPDstPortMatchCondition N



# Create a Default QoS policy

# capture all traffic that is not matched by any other filter.

PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy -Name "Wildcard" -Default -ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond 40MB

# Create a QoS policy that matches an application

New-NetQosPolicy -Name "FTP" -AppPathNameMatchCondition "ftp.exe" -ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond 1MB -PolicyStore ActiveStore


Specifies a wildcard filter that can be used to capture all traffic that is not matched by any other filter.



Specifies the differentiated services code point (DSCP) value.

The acceptable values for this parameter are: 0 through 63.



Specifies a numerical value for minimum bandwidth that a flow should get relatively.

1 through 100.



Specifies the location of the policy that is stored.

If a policy is stored in ActiveStore, then the policy does not persist after restart.

The acceptable values for this parameter are:

  • ActiveStore


PS C:\> Get-NetQoSPolicy

Name           : HTTPS
Owner          : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence     : 127
JobObject      :
IPProtocol     : TCP
IPPort         : 443
ThrottleRate   : 52.429 MBits/sec

PS C:\> Get-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore "ActiveStore"

If ActiveStore is specified as the location, the user will see all the effective QoS policies,

regardless of where the QoS policies are stored.


PS C:\> Remove-NetQosPolicy -Name "Backup"


PS C:\> Set-NetQosPolicy -Name "Backup" -IPDstPortStart 3501 -IPDstPortEnd 3510

PS C:\> Get-NetQosPolicy -Name "wildcard" | Set-NetQosPolicy -Precedence 250


Specifies the priority of a QoS policy. (0 through 255, default value is 127)

A higher priority policy will override a lower priority policy in case the priorities are conflicting.


DSCP Values


DSCP allows values from 0 to 63 to be specified within the TOS field of an IPv4 packet

By default, Windows traffic has a DSCP value of 0.

DSCP values are defined in RFC 2474.

0        Best Effort (Drop Probability: N/A) # Default
46      High Priority (Drop Probability: N/A)

RFC 791 precedence values

000 (0)Routine or Best Effort
001 (1)Priority
010 (2)Immediate
011 (3)Flash (mainly used for voice signaling or for video)
100 (4)Flash Override
101 (5)Critical (mainly used for voice RTP)
110 (6)Internet
111 (7)Network