最後更新: 2018-07-23
- 介紹
- 處理 E-Mail 的過程
- Install
- Amavisd Cli
- 基本設定
- include_config_files
- postfix setting
- 設置2
- debian config
- log
- Mysql Backend
- local_domains
- 阻隔某類附件
- Quarantine
- Notify
- Filtering E-Mails per Recipient Domain
- turn off checking mails for sending
- Acting on mail checks results
- E-Mail add Header
- housekeeping
- av_scanners
- Email address 的 lookups 次序
- 容許 exe 檔通過
- ".docx" often incorrectly detected as ".exe"
- Troubleshoot
- Doc
Amavisd-new 不會應用 spamassassin 的 Daemon(spamd),
因為它會直接載入 spamassassin 作為一個模組去運行.
Programing Lang:
- Perl
- amavisd
amavisd -V
amavisd-new-2.6.6 (20110518)
amavisd -h
- Acting on mail checks results (amavis 係會看 spamassassin 及 clamav 返回的 result)
- Spam mail Tag, tag2 and kill levels
- Quarantine Mail, Releasing from a Quarantine
- Redirecting malware to a different mailbox -- plus addressing
- Hard black- and whitelisting senders regarding spam
- Soft black- and whitelisting senders regarding spam -- @score_sender_maps
- Policy banks
- Setting up DKIM mail signing and verification
- Per domain / user Disclaimer
處理 E-Mail 的過程
Incoming mail
Postfix (MTA-IN)(port 25)
Amavisd (Port: 10024)
Postfix (MTA-OUT)(Port: 10025)
# Centos7
yum install spamassassin
yum install clamav clamav-lib clamav-data clamav-update clamav-filesystem \
clamav-server clamav-scanner-systemd clamav-server-systemd
yum install p7zip unzip
yum install amavisd
Amavisd Cli
amavisd [Options]
- start
- stop
- reload # ln -s /etc/amavisd/amavisd.conf /etc/amavisd.conf
- debug
- debug-sa
- foreground
amavisd 基本設定
$max_servers = 1; <-- 要與 postfix 的 master 內的 maxproc 對應, 否則 postfix side 會有 timeout $mydomain = 'x.x'; <-- 會 display 在 "X-Virus-Scanned: " $inet_socket_port = [10024, 10026]; <-- MTA-IN, 在這裡雖然 Listen 了兩個 port, 不過只用 10025, 10026 用來做另一個 bank $forward_method = 'smtp:[]:10025'; <-- MTA-OUT $notify_method = 'smtp:[]:10025'; <-- MTA-OUT, 用來出警訴信. $unix_socketname = "/var/run/amavisd/amavisd.sock"; <-- amavisd-release or amavis-milter 用的 socket
當 $max_servers = 1; 時 會以以下 pstree 結構:
amavis disable ipv6
$inet_socket_bind = '';
當 interface 沒有 ipv6 時, 就會有以下 log:
... server /usr/sbin/amavisd[20297]: Net::Server: Binding to TCP port 10024 on host with IPv4
... server /usr/sbin/amavisd[20297]: Net::Server: Binding to TCP port 10024 on host ::1 with IPv6
... server /usr/sbin/amavisd[20297]:
(!)Net::Server: 2015/04/13-15:24:00 Can't connect to TCP port 10024 on ::1
[Cannot assign requested address]\n at line 68 in file /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl/Net/Server/Proto/TCP.pm
Other tools
# Disables use of BerkeleyDB/libdb (SNMP(amavisd-agent) and nanny(amavisd-nanny))
# falling back to memory-based cache and
# loss of amavisd-nanny and amavisd-agent functionality.
# SNMP-like counters updated by amavisd-new.
# a program to show the status and keep an eye on the health of child processes in amavisd-new.
process-id task-id elapsed in elapsed-bar (dots indicate idle) or state idle or busy PID 24231: 0:02:53 .........:.........:.........:..... PID 24231: 0:02:55 .........:.........:.........:.....
# a DKIM signing service daemon for amavisd.
use strict; ... include_config_files('/etc/amavisd/amavisd-custom.conf'); 1;
Postfix Setting
smtp-amavis unix - - - - 1 smtp // 只開兩個 amavisd-daemon
-o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200 // 等 amavisd reply DONE
, 如果等不到, 就入 deferred queue
-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes // forward the original clients HELO name and IP address
-o disable_dns_lookups=yes // Disable DNS lookups in the Postfix SMTP and LMTP clients
-o max_use=20 // 每個 amavisd-daemon 只限用 20 次就開另一個新的 inet n - - - - smtpd
-o content_filter=
-o cleanup_service_name=pcleanup
-o local_recipient_maps=
-o relay_recipient_maps=
-o smtpd_restriction_classes=
-o smtpd_delay_reject=no
-o smtpd_tls_security_level=none
-o smtpd_client_restrictions=
-o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
-o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
-o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions=
-o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
-o mynetworks=
-o strict_rfc821_envelopes=yes
-o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0
-o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001
-o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1000
-o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=0
-o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=0
-o receive_override_options=no_unknown_recipient_checks
-o smtp_bind_address=
pcleanup unix n - - - 0 cleanup
-o header_checks=pcre:/etc/postfix/amavis_header_checks
/^Received: from localhost/ IGNORE
myhostname = x.x content_filter = amavis:[]:10024 # The default maximal number of recipients per message delivery(default: 50) # 1: It changes the meaning of the corresponding per-destination concurrency limit, # from concurrency of deliveries to the same domain into concurrency of deliveries to the same recipient. # Different recipients are delivered in parallel, # subject to the process limits specified in master.cf. amavis_destination_recipient_limit = 1 receive_override_options = no_address_mappings
smtp-amavis_destination_recipient_limit = 1
# The default maximal number of recipients per message delivery.
# 當它是 1 時, meaning: Same domain ---> same recipient (Different recipients are delivered in parallel)
receive_override_options = no_address_mappings
# disables address manipulation before the content filter,
# so that the content filter sees the original mail addresses instead of the result of virtual alias expansion,
# canonical mapping, automatic bcc, address masquerading, etc.
- SpamAssassin <--- 不用設置 (/etc/mail/spamassassin/local.cf)
- ClamAV <--- 設定用 socket 就可以 (LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock)
# @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1); # controls running of anti-virus code # @bypass_spam_checks_maps = (1); # controls running of anti-spam code # $bypass_decode_parts = 1; # controls running of decoders & dearchivers
SpamAssassin settings:
# add spam info headers if at, or above that level (-999 = all messages) $sa_tag_level_deflt = -999; # add 'spam detected' headers at that level $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5.0; # triggers spam evasive actions (e.g. blocks mail) # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent $sa_kill_level_deflt = 8.0; # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent # Any mail that scores at 12 or higher will effectively turn D_BOUNCE into D_DISCARD $sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 12.0; # credibel(可信的), likewise, but for a likely valid From, 它的值應該 > $sa_dsn_cutoff_level # "$msginfo->sender_credible = true" => sa_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level $sa_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level = $sa_dsn_cutoff_level # spam level beyond which quarantine is off $sa_quarantine_cutoff_level = 15; # don't waste time on SA if mail is larger (bytes) $sa_mail_body_size_limit = 3*1024*1024; # no SA tests that require internet access will be performed. $sa_local_tests_only = 0; $sa_spam_subject_tag = '***SPAM*** ';
my setting
#### sa setting #### $sa_tag_level_deflt = -999; $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5; $sa_kill_level_deflt = 7; $sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 12; $sa_crediblefrom_dsn_cutoff_level = 13; $sa_quarantine_cutoff_level = 15; $sa_mail_body_size_limit = 3*1024*1024; $sa_local_tests_only = 0; $sa_spam_subject_tag = '***SPAM*** ';
Cleanup quarantine weekly
#!/bin/bash find /var/spool/amavisd/quarantine -mtime +7 -exec rm -f '{}' \;
cron job
1 1 * * * /root/scripts/cleanup-quarantine.sh
"pen pals" lookup Setting
# Use a pen pals lookup to check inbound DSN for a corresponding outbound message;
# if a Message-ID contained within the inbound DSN doesn't match a valid Message-ID from the apparent sender,
# such message receives $bounce_killer_score spam score points (100 by default) and can be blocked as spam.
$penpals_bonus_score = 8; # (no effect without a @storage_sql_dsn database) $penpals_threshold_high = $sa_kill_level_deflt; # don't waste time on hi spam # inbound DSN doesn't match a valid outbound Message-ID 時, 那 mail 獲得的 score $bounce_killer_score = 100;
Debian Config Files
- 01-debian
- 05-domain_id
- 05-node_id
- 15-av_scanners
- 15-content_filter_mode
- 20-debian_defaults
- 25-amavis_helpers
- 30-template_localization
- 50-user
@av_scanners = (
\&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"],
qr/\bOK$/m, qr/\bFOUND$/m,
qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/m ]
@av_scanners_backup = (
['ClamAV-clamscan', 'clamscan',
"--stdout --disable-summary -r --tempdir=$TEMPBASE {}", [0], [1],
qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
The value of variable $myhostname is "", but should have been a fully qualified domain name
$myhostname = "mail.example.com";
$inet_socket_port = 10024; # default listening socket $QUARANTINEDIR = "$MYHOME/virusmails"; # 當 '= undef;' 時即是沒隔離 $quarantine_subdir_levels = 1; # enable quarantine dir hashing $enable_db = 1; # enable use of BerkeleyDB/libdb (SNMP and nanny) $enable_global_cache = 1; # enable use of libdb-based cache if $enable_db=1 $enable_dkim_verification = 0; #disabled to prevent warning
# @lookup_sql_dsn <-- lookups value 時用, 如果無用此功能, 一定要 "#" 無佢, 否則會每次 lookup # @storage_sql_dsn <-- reporting and quarantining 時用 @lookup_sql_dsn = ( ['DBI:mysql:database=dbispconfig;host=;port=3306', 'ispconfig', '?????????????'] ); $sql_select_policy = 'SELECT *,spamfilter_users.id'. ' FROM spamfilter_users LEFT JOIN spamfilter_policy ON spamfilter_users.policy_id=spamfilter_policy.id'. ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
# sender in per-recipient whitelist/blacklist $sql_select_white_black_list = 'SELECT wb FROM spamfilter_wblist'. ' WHERE (spamfilter_wblist.rid=?) AND (spamfilter_wblist.email IN (%k))' . ' ORDER BY spamfilter_wblist.priority DESC'; # * empty list disables the function and is a default # '?' will be users.id from recipient SQL lookup, the # '%k': will be sender addresses # 'IN': full address, domain only, catchall).
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `spamfilter_wblist` ( `wblist_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `sys_userid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `sys_groupid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `sys_perm_user` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `sys_perm_group` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `sys_perm_other` varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `server_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `wb` enum('W','B') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'W', `rid` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `priority` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `active` enum('y','n') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'y', PRIMARY KEY (`wblist_id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
# whitelist x@y
INSERT INTO `spamfilter_wblist` (`wblist_id`, `sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`,
`sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`, `server_id`, `wb`, `rid`,
`email`, `priority`, `active`) VALUES
(1, 2, 2, 'riud', 'riud', '', 0, 'W', 0, 'x@y', 5, 'y');
$sql_select_policy = 'SELECT *,spamfilter_users.id'. ' FROM spamfilter_users LEFT JOIN spamfilter_policy ON spamfilter_users.policy_id=spamfilter_policy.id'. ' WHERE spamfilter_users.email IN (%k) ORDER BY spamfilter_users.priority DESC';
#@bypass_virus_checks_maps = ( # \%bypass_virus_checks, \@bypass_virus_checks_acl, \$bypass_virus_checks_re); # # 停止檢查病毒 @bypass_virus_checks_maps = (1); # controls running of anti-virus code @bypass_spam_checks_maps = ( \%bypass_spam_checks, \@bypass_spam_checks_acl, \$bypass_spam_checks_re);
$final_virus_destiny = D_BOUNCE; $final_spam_destiny = D_DISCARD; $final_banned_destiny = D_BOUNCE; $final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS;
D_REJECT 與 D_BOUNCE are similar, the difference is in who is responsible
MTA may reject original SMTP, or send DSN (delivery status notification, colloquially called 'bounce') [depending on MTA]
Best suited for sendmail milter, especially for spam.
... postfix/smtp[29962]: 78A3F13837A: to=<user@domain>, relay=[]:10024, delay=1, delays=0.45/0/0/0.59, dsn=5.7.0, status=bounced (host[] said: 554 5.7.0 Reject, id=29512-07 - spam (in reply to end of DATA command)) ... postfix/bounce[30027]: 78A3F13837A: sender non-delivery notification: 22BF113837D
amavisd-new (not MTA) sends DSN
(can better explain the reason for mail non-delivery or even suppress DSN, but unable to reject the original SMTP session).
which can't reject original client SMTP session, as the mail has already been enqueued.
... postfix/qmgr[2625]: 2E5EF13837E: from=<S@S>, size=310, nrcpt=1 (queue active) ... amavis[30620]: (30620-01) Blocked SPAM {NoBounceInternal}, ... , Hits: 892.606, size: 310, 636 ms ... postfix/smtp[30633]: 2E5EF13837E: to=<D@D>, relay=[]:10024, delay=1.2, delays=0.51/0.01/0.01/0.63, dsn=2.5.0, status=sent (250 2.5.0 Ok, id=30620-01, DISCARD(bounce.suppressed))
$sa_spam_subject_tag = '***SPAM*** '; $sa_tag_level_deflt = 20.0; # add spam info headers if at, or above that level $sa_tag2_level_deflt = 60.0; # add 'spam detected' headers at that level $sa_kill_level_deflt = 60.0; # triggers spam evasive actions $sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 100; # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent
Amavisd log configure (Centos7)
# mkdir /var/log/amavisd
# touch /var/log/amavisd/amavisd.log
# chmod 660 /var/log/amavisd/amavisd.log
# chown amavis.adm /var/log/amavisd/amavisd.log
#### log setting #### # log via rsyslogd $do_syslog = 0; # facility.priority, default 'mail.info' $syslog_facility = 'mail'; # if not using syslog, defaults to empty, no log $LOGFILE = "/var/log/amavisd/amavisd.log"; # verbosity 0..5 (defaults to 0) $log_level = 1; # built-in default at the end of file amavisd $log_templ = undef; $log_recip_templ = undef;
service amavisd restart
log 的資訊
$log_templ = $log_short_templ; # 用 $log_short_templ format 去 log 東西
$log_recip_templ = undef; # ?
$log_level = N;
- 0: startup/exit/failure messages, viruses detected
- 1: args passed from client, some more interesting messages
- 2: virus scanner output, timing
- 3: server, client
- 4: decompose parts
- 5: more debug details
$log_templ = '...';
$log_templ = undef; # undef = disables
$log_templ = $log_short_templ; # 設定用 $log_short_templ 的 log format
$log_templ = $log_verbose_templ; # log 到 Subject, User-Agent,
$log_templ = ' [?%#D|#|Passed # [? [:ccat|major] |# OTHER|CLEAN|MTA-BLOCKED|OVERSIZED|BAD-HEADER-[:ccat|minor]|SPAMMY|SPAM|\ UNCHECKED[?[:ccat|minor]||-ENCRYPTED|]|BANNED (%F)|INFECTED (%V)]# {[:actions_performed]}# ,[?%p|| %p][?%a||[?%l|| LOCAL] [:client_addr_port]][?%e|| \[%e\]] %s -> [%D|,]# [? %q ||, quarantine: %q]# [? %Q ||, Queue-ID: %Q]# [? %m ||, Message-ID: [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%m]]# [? %r ||, Resent-Message-ID: [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%r]]# [? %i ||, mail_id: %i]# , Hits: [:SCORE]# , size: %z# [? [:partition_tag] ||, pt: [:partition_tag]]# [~[:remote_mta_smtp_response]|["^$"]||[", queued_as: "]]\ [remote_mta_smtp_response|[~%x|["queued as ([0-9A-Za-z]+)$"]|["%1"]|["%0"]]|/]# #, Subject: [:dquote|[:mime2utf8|[:header_field_octets|Subject]|100|1]]# #, From: [:uquote|[:mail_addr_decode_octets|[:rfc2822_from]]]# [? [:dkim|sig_sd] ||, dkim_sd=[:dkim|sig_sd]]# [? [:dkim|newsig_sd] ||, dkim_new=[:dkim|newsig_sd]]# , %y ms# [? %#T ||, Tests: \[[%T|,]\]]# ] [?%#O|#|Blocked # [? [:ccat|major|blocking] |# OTHER|CLEAN|MTA-BLOCKED|OVERSIZED|BAD-HEADER-[:ccat|minor]|SPAMMY|SPAM|\ UNCHECKED[?[:ccat|minor]||-ENCRYPTED|]|BANNED (%F)|INFECTED (%V)]# {[:actions_performed]}# ,[?%p|| %p][?%a||[?%l|| LOCAL] [:client_addr_port]][?%e|| \[%e\]] %s -> [%D|,]# [? %q ||, quarantine: %q]# [? %Q ||, Queue-ID: %Q]# [? %m ||, Message-ID: [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%m]]# [? %r ||, Resent-Message-ID: [:mail_addr_decode_octets|%r]]# [? %i ||, mail_id: %i]# , Hits: [:SCORE]# , size: %z# [? [:partition_tag] ||, pt: [:partition_tag]]# #, Subject: [:dquote|[:mime2utf8|[:header_field_octets|Subject]|100|1]]# #, From: [:uquote|[:mail_addr_decode_octets|[:rfc2822_from]]]# [? [:dkim|sig_sd] ||, dkim_sd=[:dkim|sig_sd]]# [? [:dkim|newsig_sd] ||, dkim_new=[:dkim|newsig_sd]]# , %y ms# [? %#T ||, Tests: \[[%T|,]\]]# ]';
/var/log/amavisd/amavisd.log { weekly rotate 4 compress delaycompress missingok copytruncate notifempty create 660 amavis adm }
Log Level:
0: startup / exit / failure messages / viruses detected
1: args passed from client / some more interesting messages
2: virus scanner output, timing (要這 level 才 log 到 "Jan 30 17:39:46 vm amavis[23367]: (23367-01) wbl: whitelisted sender <x@y>")
3: server, client
4: decompose parts
5: more debug details
bypass_spam_checks 的 log 要 "$log_level = 4;" 才 log 到
$log_level = 4;
output example:
Apr 13 16:39:32 server /usr/sbin/amavisd[24313]: (24313-01) lookup [bypass_spam_checks] => undef, "x@y" does not match Apr 13 16:41:24 server /usr/sbin/amavisd[24432]: (24432-01) lookup [bypass_spam_checks] => true, "tim@x" matches, result="1", matching_key="x"
Sep 26 15:20:42 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[788]: starting. /usr/sbin/amavisd-new at vps8.domain amavisd-new-2.6.4 (20090625), Unicode aware, LANG="en_HK.UTF-8" Sep 26 15:20:42 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[788]: user=, EUID: 108 (108); group=, EGID: 112 112 (112 112) Sep 26 15:20:42 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[788]: Perl version 5.010001 Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[788]: SpamControl: init_pre_chroot on SpamAssassin done Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Net::Server: Process Backgrounded Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Net::Server: 2013/09/26-15:20:43 Amavis (type Net::Server::PreForkSimple) starting! pid(794) Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Net::Server: Binding to UNIX socket file /var/lib/amavis/amavisd.sock using SOCK_STREAM Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Net::Server: Binding to TCP port 10024 on host Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Net::Server: Group Not Defined. Defaulting to EGID '112 112' Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Net::Server: User Not Defined. Defaulting to EUID '108' Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Module Amavis::Conf 2.207 Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Module Archive::Zip 1.30 Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Module BerkeleyDB 0.42 Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Module Compress::Zlib 2.02 ......................................... Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Found secondary av scanner ClamAV-clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: Creating db in /var/lib/amavis/db/; BerkeleyDB 0.42, libdb 4.8 Sep 26 15:20:43 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: initializing Mail::SpamAssassin Sep 26 15:20:44 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: SpamControl: init_pre_fork on SpamAssassin done Sep 26 15:20:44 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[794]: extra modules loaded after daemonizing/chrooting: Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/FreeMail.pm
Sep 26 15:20:08 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[768]: Valid PID file (younger than sys uptime 266 16:44:00) Sep 26 15:20:08 vps8.domain /usr/sbin/amavisd-new[643]: Net::Server: 2013/09/26-15:20:08 Server closing!
... (05448-01) Passed CLEAN, MYUSERS LOCAL [] [] <[email protected]> -> <tim@mydomain>, Message-ID: <[email protected]>, mail_id: MQiX+H0kRxCE, Hits: -10.001, size: 231664, queued_as: 74F5D45F05, 2256 ms
... SpamControl: init_pre_fork on SpamAssassin done
... extra modules loaded after daemonizing/chrooting: Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/FreeMail.pm
... (05507-01) ESMTP::10024 /var/spool/amavisd/tmp/amavis-20160217T125610-05507: <[email protected]> -> <tim@mydomain>
SIZE=231666 Received: from mail.datahunter.org ([]) by localhost (mail.datahunter.org []) (amavisd-new, port 10024)
with ESMTP for <tim@mydomain>;
Wed, 17 Feb 2016 12:56:10 +0800 (HKT)
... (05507-01) Checking: Cvf6bz3pJL8N MYUSERS [] <[email protected]> -> <tim@mydomain>
... (05507-01) mangling by altermime (disclaimer) done, new size: 228538, orig 231666 bytes
... (05507-01) FWD via SMTP: <[email protected]> -> <tim@mydomain>,
BODY=7BIT 250 2.0.0 from MTA([]:10025): 250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 6103345F05
... (05507-01) Passed CLEAN, MYUSERS LOCAL [] [] <[email protected]> -> <tim@mydomain>,
Message-ID: <[email protected]>, mail_id: Cvf6bz3pJL8N, Hits: -10.001, size: 231666, queued_as: 6103345F05, 2235 ms
... SpamAssassin loaded plugins: AutoLearnThreshold, Bayes, BodyEval, Check, DKIM, DNSEval, FreeMail,
HTMLEval, HTTPSMismatch, Hashcash, HeaderEval, ImageInfo, MIMEEval, MIMEHeader, Pyzor, Razor2,
RelayEval, ReplaceTags, SPF, SpamCop, URIDNSBL, URIDetail, URIEval, VBounce, WLBLEval, WhiteListSubject
... storage and lookups will use separate connections to SQL
... (05559-01) p003 1 Content-Type: multipart/mixed
... (05559-01) p001 1/1 Content-Type: text/plain, size: 7 B, name:
... (05559-01) p002 1/2 Content-Type: image/bmp, size: 168354 B, name: test.bmp
... (05559-01) dkim: candidate originators: 2822.From:<[email protected]>, 2821.mail_from:<[email protected]>
... (05559-01) TIMING-SA total 1784 ms - ...
... (05559-01) TIMING [total 2187 ms] - ...
Log Checking
- SPAMMY is above tag2 level
- SPAM is above kill level
Dec 14 13:19:15 mail amavis[26861]: (26861-09) Blocked INFECTED (), LOCAL [Client IP] [Client IP]
<tim@sender> -> <test@recipients>, quarantine: virus-9M0L+iQKExwu,
Message-ID: <50CAB709.5030404@sender>, mail_id: 9M0L+iQKExwu, Hits: -, size: 2868, 150 ms
Mysql Backend
# use the appropriate data type in SQL commands
# 比如在 DB 的 maddr.email colume: 0 => VARCHAR 1 => VARBINARY
$sql_allow_8bit_address = 1;
# time_iso 用的 format 設定
$timestamp_fmt_mysql = 1;
- mailaddr
- users
- wblist
- policy
- msgs
- msgrcpt
- quarantine
常見的 feild
- priority: 0 is low priority
users <-- local user
- id
- priority // default: 7
- policy_id // default: 1
- email // NOT NULL UNIQUE
- fullname // DEFAULT NULL
INSERT INTO `users`(`email`) VALUES ('@datahunter.org');
- id
- priority DEFAULT '7'
- email varbinary(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE
INSERT INTO `mailaddr`(`priority`, `email`) VALUES (9, '@gmail.com');
- rid // 對應 recipient: users.id
- sid // 對應 sender: mailaddr.id
- wb // W | B
INSERT INTO `wblist`(`rid`, `sid`) VALUES (1, 1);
- virus_lover // Y | N
- spam_lover
- ................
- virus_quarantine_to // NULL
- mail_id
- bl // blacklisted by this recip
- wl
quarantine ($*_quarantine_method='sql:')
- mail_id
- mail_text // 類型: blob
Example: Whitelist
create tables
-- local users CREATE TABLE users ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, -- unique id priority integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '7', -- sort field, 0 is low prior. policy_id integer unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '1', -- JOINs with policy.id email varbinary(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE, fullname varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL -- not used by amavisd-new -- local char(1) -- Y/N (optional field, see note further down) ); -- any e-mail address (non- rfc2822-quoted), external or local, used as senders in wblist CREATE TABLE mailaddr ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, priority integer NOT NULL DEFAULT '7', -- 0 is low priority email varbinary(255) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); -- per-recipient whitelist and/or blacklist, puts sender and recipient in relation wb (white or blacklisted sender) CREATE TABLE wblist ( rid integer unsigned NOT NULL, -- recipient: users.id sid integer unsigned NOT NULL, -- sender: mailaddr.id wb varchar(10) NOT NULL, -- W or Y / B or N / space=neutral / score PRIMARY KEY (rid,sid) ); ALTER TABLE `wblist` ADD UNIQUE( `rid`, `sid`);
users / mailaddr
-- local domain INSERT INTO `users`(`email`) VALUES ('@datahunter.org'); -- sender / domain INSERT INTO `mailaddr`(`priority`, `email`) VALUES (9, '@gmail.com');
rule (rid, sid, 'W'/'B')
-- rule By id INSERT INTO `wblist`(`rid`, `sid`) VALUES (1, 1); -- rule By Domain INSERT INTO wblist VALUES ( (SELECT id FROM users where email=BINARY('@datahunter.org')), (SELECT id FROM mailaddr where email=BINARY('@sender.domain')), "W" )
# 要 $log_level = 2; 才 log 到 wbl
tail -f maillog | grep wbl
Dec 23 17:46:57 mail amavis[5724]: (05724-06) wbl: blacklisted sender <[email protected]> Dec 23 17:50:09 mail amavis[5727]: (05727-07) wbl: whitelisted sender <[email protected]>
mail header
X-Spam-Status: No, score=x tagged_above=-999 required=5 WHITELISTED tests=[] autolearn=unavailable
Example: policy
CREATE TABLE policy ( id int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, -- 'id' this is the _only_ required field policy_name varchar(32), -- not used by amavisd-new, a comment virus_lover char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N spam_lover char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N unchecked_lover char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N banned_files_lover char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N bad_header_lover char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N bypass_virus_checks char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N bypass_spam_checks char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N bypass_banned_checks char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N bypass_header_checks char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N virus_quarantine_to varchar(64) default NULL, spam_quarantine_to varchar(64) default NULL, banned_quarantine_to varchar(64) default NULL, unchecked_quarantine_to varchar(64) default NULL, bad_header_quarantine_to varchar(64) default NULL, clean_quarantine_to varchar(64) default NULL, archive_quarantine_to varchar(64) default NULL, spam_tag_level float default NULL, -- higher score inserts spam info headers spam_tag2_level float default NULL, -- inserts 'declared spam' header fields spam_tag3_level float default NULL, -- inserts 'blatant spam' header fields spam_kill_level float default NULL, -- higher score triggers evasive actions -- e.g. reject/drop, quarantine, ... -- (subject to final_spam_destiny setting) spam_dsn_cutoff_level float default NULL, spam_quarantine_cutoff_level float default NULL, addr_extension_virus varchar(64) default NULL, addr_extension_spam varchar(64) default NULL, addr_extension_banned varchar(64) default NULL, addr_extension_bad_header varchar(64) default NULL, warnvirusrecip char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N warnbannedrecip char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N warnbadhrecip char(1) default NULL, -- Y/N newvirus_admin varchar(64) default NULL, virus_admin varchar(64) default NULL, banned_admin varchar(64) default NULL, bad_header_admin varchar(64) default NULL, spam_admin varchar(64) default NULL, spam_subject_tag varchar(64) default NULL, spam_subject_tag2 varchar(64) default NULL, spam_subject_tag3 varchar(64) default NULL, message_size_limit integer default NULL, -- max size in bytes, 0 disable banned_rulenames varchar(64) default NULL, -- comma-separated list of ... -- names mapped through %banned_rules to actual banned_filename tables disclaimer_options varchar(64) default NULL, forward_method varchar(64) default NULL, sa_userconf varchar(64) default NULL, sa_username varchar(64) default NULL );
Table Data:
INSERT INTO policy (id, policy_name, virus_lover, spam_lover, banned_files_lover, bad_header_lover, bypass_virus_checks, bypass_spam_checks, bypass_banned_checks, bypass_header_checks, spam_modifies_subj, spam_tag_level, spam_tag2_level, spam_kill_level) VALUES (1, 'Non-paying', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y','Y','Y','N', 'Y', 3.0, 7, 10), (2, 'Uncensored', 'Y','Y','Y','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'N', 3.0, 999, 999), (3, 'Wants all spam','N','Y','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 999, 999), (4, 'Wants viruses', 'Y','N','Y','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 6.9, 6.9), (5, 'Normal', 'N','N','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 6.9, 6.9), (6, 'Trigger happy', 'N','N','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 5, 5), (7, 'Permissive', 'N','N','N','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 10, 20), (8, '6.5/7.8', 'N','N','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'N', 3.0, 6.5, 7.8), (9, 'userB', 'N','N','N','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 6.3, 6.3), (10,'userC', 'N','N','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'N', 3.0, 6.0, 6.0), (11,'userD', 'Y','N','Y','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'N', 3.0, 7, 7);
local_domains 與 MYUSERS
設定 local domain 的方法
@local_domains_maps = 1; # 所有 sender 都係 local domain @local_domains_maps = []; # 沒有人係 local domain @local_domains_maps = ( ["$mydomain","domain1.com"] ); # list of all local domains @local_domains_maps = read_hash("/etc/amavisd/all_hosted_domains");
domain1.com domain2.com ...
## the name 'MYUSERS' has special semantics: this policy bank gets loaded
## whenever the sender matches @local_domains_maps. This only makes sense
## if local sender addresses can be trusted
# Apply to mails which coming from internal networks or authenticated users.
# mail supposedly originating from our users
* It would require you to configure Postfix to reject non-authenticated mail addressed from any of your domains;
有關要 block 的類型設定
- $banned_filename_re
- $banned_namepath_re
# Disabling decoding also causes banned_files checking to only see MIME names and MIME content types,
# not the content classification types as provided by the file(1) utility.
#$bypass_decode_parts = 1;
All nodes (mail parts) of the fully recursively decoded mail and embedded archives are checked,
each node independently from remaining nodes.
The search for a node stops at the first match
Object $banned_filename_re provides a list of Perl regular expressions to be matched against each part's:
Content-Type: application/x-zip-compressed;
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="=?utf-8?B?5pel6KqM5qqULnppcA==?="
* file content type as guessed by 'file(1)' utility
* $banned_filename_re > whitelist
$banned_filename_re = new_RE( qr'.\.(exe|vbs|pif|scr|cpl|js)$'i, # banned extension qr'^\.(exe|zip|lha|tnef)$'i, # file(1) type qr'^application/x-msdos-program$'i, # block these MIME types .............. );
此設定提供 "bird's eye view"
make more complex decision, based on the environment in which each mail part is
a.txt within z.zip is allowed, while b.txt whithin a z.zip is not
The banned_filename only sees one node at a time (no parent nodes of each leaf node)
# use old or new style of banned lookup table; not both to avoid confusion
# $banned_filename_re =undef; # to disable old-style # $banned_namepath_re = undef; # to disable new-style
當 $final_banned_destiny = D_PASS;
在 log 會見到
Dec 19 17:08:19 mail amavis[10826]: (10826-15) Passed BANNED (.exe,.exe-ms,pietty0.327.exe)
改成 $final_banned_destiny = D_DISCARD;
在 log 會見到
Dec 19 17:19:02 mail amavis[16243]: (16243-13) Blocked BANNED (.exe,.exe-ms,pietty0.327.exe)
zip 檔內可以什麼都有
i.e. 如果想 exe 可以存在於 zip 內
在 amavisd.con 要有
$banned_filename_re = new_RE(
// 在第一行
[ qr'^\.zip$'=> 0 ],
amavisd reload
我的 Setting
# MySetting $banned_filename_re = new_RE( # block certain double extensions in filenames qr'^(?!cid:).*\.[^./]*[A-Za-z][^./]*\.\s*(exe|vbs|pif|scr|bat|cmd|com|cpl|dll)[.\s]*$'i, # banned extension qr'.\.(ade|adp|app|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|emf|exe|fxp|grp|hlp|hta| inf|ini|ins|isp|js|jse|lib|lnk|mda|mdb|mde|mdt|mdw|mdz|msc|msi| msp|mst|ocx|ops|pcd|pif|prg|reg|scr|sct|shb|shs|sys|vb|vbe|vbs|vxd| wmf|wsc|wsf|wsh)$'ix, # banned extensions - long qr'.\.(asd|asf|asx|url|vcs|wmd|wmz)$'i, # consider also qr'.\.(mim|b64|bhx|hqx|xxe|uu|uue)$'i, # banned extension - WinZip vulnerab. );
$log_level = 1;
Oct 12 18:07:57 sf-server /usr/sbin/amavisd[25189]: (25189-01) p.path BANNED:1 [email protected]: "P=p004,L=1,M=multipart/mixed | P=p002,L=1/2,M=application/octet-stream,T=zip,N=test.zip | P=p005,L=1/2/1,T=asc,N=test.js", matching_key="(?^ix:.\\.(ade|adp|app|bas|bat|chm|cmd|com|cpl|crt|emf|exe|fxp|grp|hlp|hta|\n inf|ini|ins|isp|js|jse|lib|lnk|mda|mdb|mde|mdt|mdw|mdz|msc|msi|\n msp|mst|ocx|ops|pcd|pif|prg|reg|scr|sct|shb|shs|sys|vb|vbe|vbs|vxd|\n wmf|wsc|wsf|wsh)$)"
app # runs under Mac OS X. exe com hlp chm inf # Setup Information File # defines what files are installed with a certain software program or update bat jar js jse # Script written in JScript vbs wsf # Windows Script File wsh # Windows Scripting Host wsc # XML-formatted scripting object containing properties and/or methods; sct # Script used to create a Component Object Model (.COM) component; # may be written in various scripting languages such as VBScript, JavaScript, or JScript ocx sys cpl reg lnk msi msp # Windows Installer Patch (run by Hotfix.exe and Update.exe) msc # Microsoft Management Console Snap-in scr # Screensaver file for Windows
Trigger quarantine 的條件
* enabled for a given contents category (sapm, virus ...)
* at least one of its recipients at or above his kill level
* quarantining of clean messages for archiving or troubleshooting purposes
*_quarantine_to (支援 per-recipient settings)
*_quarantine_method (a static and a site-wide setting)
#chown amavis. /var/quarantine #chmod 770 /var/quarantine $QUARANTINEDIR = "/var/quarantine"; # Quarantine Directory #### quarantine spam setting #### $spam_quarantine_method = 'local:spam-%i-%n-%m'; # local quarantine method, set filename in $QUARANTINEDIR # $spam_quarantine_to = "postmaster\@$mydomain"; # Send Spam to Adminstrator # $spam_quarantine_to = undef; # disables quarantine $spam_quarantine_to = 'spam-quarantine'; # predefined aliases are 'virus-quarantine' and 'spam-quarantine' $spam_admin = "postmaster\@$mydomain"; # notifications to admin about spam #### quarantine virus setting #### $virus_quarantine_method = 'sql:'; # sql:anything, Default: 'local:virus-%i-%m'; $virus_quarantine_to = 'virus-quarantine'; #### quarantine other setting #### #$banned_files_quarantine_method # Do nothing with banned #$bad_header_quarantine_method # Do nothing with bad_header
- "local:[filename-template]" # /path/to/folder (if a template file name ends in .gz the message will be gzip-compressed)
- "sql:" # stored into SQL database specified by @storage_sql_dsn
- "smtp:[hostname:port]" # xxx@xxx
undef/empty # not quarantined
%b $msginfo->body_digest %P $msginfo->partition_tag %m $msginfo->mail_id # 在 mail 內容內, "X-Quarantine-ID: <xxxxxxxx>" %n $msginfo->log_id # 在 /var/log/maillog 及 return mail內, 格式: id=21825-02, # amavis 回覆 postfix 時有的 msg 來 %i ISO 8601 timestamp of a mail reception time # 20161109T183133 %% a single %
在 Quarantine 放出 Mail
Server Setting
$unix_socketname = "/var/spool/amavisd/amavisd.sock"; $policy_bank{'AM.PDP-SOCK'} = { protocol => 'AM.PDP', auth_required_release => 0, # do not require secret_id for amavisd-release };
# 如果是以 local 的方式隔離, 那以下指令可放出 Mail
amavisd-release mail_file
* release 後那個 mail_file 依然存在, 不會被 Delete
quarantine: spam/U/UM3XM3XDbN52.gz,
amavisd-release spam/U/UM3XM3XDbN52.gz
# 如是是以 sql 的話, 那要在 mysql 內找出 mail_id 及secret_id 之後 telnet server
select mail_id,secret_id,quar_type from msgs where mail_id="???????";
telnet localhost 9998
Connected to localhost
Escape character is '^]'.
request=release mail_id=??????? secret_id=??????? quar_type=Q
#### quarantine setting #### $QUARANTINEDIR = '/var/quarantine'; $virus_quarantine_method = ''; $spam_quarantine_method = 'local:spam-%i-%n-%m'; # %m 一定要在尾, 否則 amavisd-release 唔到 $banned_files_quarantine_method = ''; $bad_header_quarantine_method = '';
archive incoming mail with Postfix's bcc maps
amavisd-new (因為 amavisd-release 方便)
# clean 的 mail # $clean_quarantine_method = undef; # 所有 mail # $archive_quarantine_method = undef;
amavis[29406]: (29406-01) Blocked SPAM {RejectedInternal,Quarantined}, ...
$sa_quarantine_cutoff_level = 25; # spam level beyond which quarantine is off
amavis[29511]: (29511-01) Blocked SPAM {RejectedInternal}, ...
#### notify ####
# msg header
$hdr_encoding = 'UTF-8'; # MIME charset (default: 'iso-8859-1')
$hdr_encoding_qb = 'B'; # MIME encoding: 'B': base64, 'Q': quoted-printable
$bdy_encoding = 'UTF-8'; # (default: 'iso-8859-1')
# Notify spam / virus / banned / invalid_header sender?
$warnvirussender = 0;
$warnspamsender = 0;
$warnbannedsender = 0;
$warnbadhsender = 0;
# 通知邊個
# 當是 undef 時, 那什麼人都不通知
$virus_admin = undef;
$spam_admin = undef;
$banned_admin = undef;
$bad_header_admin = undef;
# 通知信的 template
#$notify_sender_templ = read_text('/var/amavis/notify_sender.txt');
#$notify_virus_sender_templ= read_text('/var/amavis/notify_virus_sender.txt');
#$notify_virus_admin_templ = read_text('/var/amavis/notify_virus_admin.txt');
#$notify_virus_recips_templ= read_text('/var/amavis/notify_virus_recips.txt');
#$notify_spam_sender_templ = read_text('/var/amavis/notify_spam_sender.txt');
#$notify_spam_admin_templ = read_text('/etc/amavisd/notify_spam_admin.txt');
# 在 bank 內可以另外設定
# 沒有 $var 及不用 "="
$policy_bank{'ORIGINATING'} = { # mail supposedly originating from our users
originating => 1, # declare that mail was submitted by our smtp client
allow_disclaimers => 1, # enables disclaimer insertion if available
# notify administrator of locally originating malware
virus_admin_maps => ['postmaster@serveradmin'],
spam_admin_maps => ['postmaster@serveradmin'],
$banned_admin = ['postmaster@serveradmin'],
$bad_header_admin = [],
# 等 sender 知自己出左事
warnvirussender => 1,
warnspamsender = >1,
warnbannedsender => 1,
warnbadhsender => 1,
# forward to a smtpd service providing DKIM signing service
#forward_method => 'smtp:[]:10027',
# force MTA conversion to 7-bit (e.g. before DKIM signing)
#smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords => ['8BITMIME'],
#bypass_spam_checks_maps => [1],
#bypass_virus_checks_maps => [1],
terminate_dsn_on_notify_success => 0, # don't remove NOTIFY=SUCCESS option
map usage
# 用來設定不同 domain 有不同的 admin
$virus_admin = "virusalert\@$mydomain"; # $virus_admin = '[email protected]'; # $virus_admin = undef; # do not send virus admin notifications (default) @virus_admin_maps = ( # by-recipient maps {'not.example.com' => '', {'an.example.com' => "postmaster\@an.example.com", '.' => '[email protected]'}, $virus_admin, # the usual default );
Notification Template 類別
Template text = run-time macro
- administrator notifications
- sender (non)delivery notifications
- recipient warnings
Date: %d From: %f Subject: SPAM FROM <%o> - \[%c\] To: [? %#T |undisclosed-recipients: ;|[<%T>|, ]] Message-ID: <SA%i@%h> --------------------------------------------------------------------- ID Quarantaine : %i --------------------------------------------------------------------- Policy : %p Hit : %c sur _REQD_ From : %o To : %T CC : %C Subject : %j Date : %d Client : %a - %g The message has been quarantined as: %q [%A|\n]
%A a list of SpamAssassin report lines for body report (a single string)
Call macro
_NAME_ or _NAME(...)_
Built-in macros selector
A macro is evaluated only in non-quoted context. Enclosing strings between tokens [" and "] prevents its evaluation.
[? arg1 | arg2 | ... ] a selector [~ arg1 | arg2 | ... ] a regexp selector [ arg1 | arg2 | ... ] an iterator [? 2 | zero | one | two | three ] -> two [? foo | none | any | two | three ] -> any [? 24 | 0 | one | many ] -> many [? 2 |No recipients] -> (empty string)
If it is a non-numeric string, it is treated as 0 for all-whitespace and as 1 otherwise.
If there is only one (the first) alternative available but
the value is greater than 0, an empty string is returned.
All iterator's arguments are implicitly quoted
[%V| ] a space-separated list of virus names
[%V|\n] a newline-separated list of virus names
] same thing: a newline-separated list of virus names
msg template DOC
Turn off checking mails for sending
The email address the sending machine gives in the MAIL FROM: command
# SOURCE 由 mynets
$policy_bank{'MYNETS'} = { originating => 1, os_fingerprint_method => undef, allow_disclaimers => 1, bypass_virus_checks_maps => [1], # <-- Add this line. };
Amavisd-new uses @bypass_*_checks_maps static maps as a way to bypass checks for listed recipients/domains.
# Amavisd 不同的 PORT 不同的 bank
$inet_socket_port = [10024, 10026]; $interface_policy{'10026'} = 'INTERNAL'; $policy_bank{'INTERNAL'} = { # mail originating from the internal server bypass_spam_checks_maps => [1], # don't spam-check outgoing mail bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1], # don't banned-check outgoing mail # bypass_header_checks_maps => [1], # don't header-check this mail # bypass_banned_checks_maps => [1], final_spam_destiny => D_PASS, # insure spam passes final_banned_destiny => D_PASS, # insure banned files pass };
Postfix bypress filter (By IP)
When the FILTER mechanism is used in an access map, the result is DUNNO => continue on to the next (bypress)
smtpd_client_restrictions =
check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/amavis_bypass
contents of /etc/postfix/amavis_bypass: FILTER smtp-amavis:[]:10026
Actually: configure Postfix to use a content filter on port 10026
for authenticated mail, and on port 10024 otherwise
(or pick any two unused port numbers to your liking).
Postfix to NOT check mails from sasl authenticated users
# Use a amavisd filter after sasl authentication
smtp-amavis unix - - - - 4 smtp -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200 -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes -o disable_dns_lookups=yes -o max_use=20 inet n - n - - smtpd -o syslog_name=postfix/10025 -o content_filter= -o mynetworks_style=host -o mynetworks= -o local_recipient_maps= -o relay_recipient_maps= -o strict_rfc821_envelopes=yes -o smtp_tls_security_level=none -o smtpd_tls_security_level=none -o smtpd_restriction_classes= -o smtpd_delay_reject=no -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject -o smtpd_helo_restrictions= -o smtpd_sender_restrictions= -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject -o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions= -o smtpd_error_sleep_time=0 -o smtpd_soft_error_limit=1001 -o smtpd_hard_error_limit=1000 -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=0 -o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=0 -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks
# Default 沒有 filter content_filter = # check_sender_access 在 permit_sasl_authenticated 後 smtpd_sender_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated, check_sender_access regexp:/etc/postfix/amavisd.regexp
/^/ FILTER smtp-amavis:[]:10024
max_use (default: 100)
The maximal number of incoming connections that a Postfix daemon process will service before terminating voluntarily.
Filtering E-Mails per Recipient Domain(Local)
cd /etc/postfix/
# Default filter (咩都掃) content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024 # check_recipient_access 要在 reject_unauth_destination 之後 !!! smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, reject_unauth_destination, check_recipient_access pcre:/etc/postfix/filter_recipient_domains.cf, ...............
/example.com/ FILTER amavisfeed:[]:10026
postmap /etc/postfix/filter_recipient_domains
postmap -q "example.com" /etc/postfix/filter_recipient_domains.cf
FILTER amavisfeed:[]:10026
SASL users connect to port 25 use different bank
cd /etc/postfix/
# Default filter (咩都掃)
content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024
smtpd_sender_restrictions =
check_sasl_access pcre:/etc/postfix/per_user_filter.cf,
check_client_access hash:/etc/postfix/mxserver.cf,
* check_sasl_access 要在 permit_mynetworks 之前 !! 因為 webmail 未必用 permit_sasl_authenticated
* check_sasl_access use the remote SMTP client SASL user name as lookup key for the specified access database.
# 以下 login 用另一個 FILTER /[email protected]/ FILTER smtp-amavis:[]:10026
Acting on mail checks results
$final_*_destiny = D_BOUNCE / D_REJECT / D_PASS / D_DISCARD / @*_lovers_maps
MTA receives a 2xx status (success)
A non-delivery notification (bounce) will be created by amavisd-new and sent to the sender by amavisd-new.
bounce (DSN) will not be sent if a virus name matches @viruses_that_fake_sender_maps
or for spam level that exceeds the $sa_dsn_cutoff_level.
Mail will not be delivered to its recipients.
Amavisd-new will send the typical 550 (or 554) reject response to the upstream MTA
Mail will not be delivered to its recipients.
Mail will not be delivered to its recipients and the sender normally will NOT be notified (會去 $virus_quarantine_to)
除了原本的收件者外, @*_lovers_maps 的人都收到
#### final_*_destiny #### $final_virus_destiny = D_DISCARD; $final_banned_destiny = D_REJECT; $final_spam_destiny = D_REJECT; $final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS;
官方 pre-cleanup:
....................................... : Postfix : ----->smtpd \ : : -pre-cleanup-\ /local----> ---->pickup / -queue- : : -cleanup-/ | \smtp-----> : bounces/ ^ v : : and locally | v : : forwarded smtpd amavisfeed : : messages 10025 | : ...........................|........... ^ | | v ............|............................... : | $inet_socket_port=10024 : : | : : $forward_method='smtp:[]:10025' : : $notify_method ='smtp:[]:10025' : : : : amavisd-new : ............................................
pre-cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup
-o virtual_alias_maps=
cleanup unix n - n - 0 cleanup
-o mime_header_checks=
-o nested_header_checks=
-o body_checks=
-o header_checks=
pickup fifo n - n 60 1 pickup
-o cleanup_service_name=pre-cleanup
smtp inet n - n - - smtpd
-o cleanup_service_name=pre-cleanup
submission inet n - n - - smtpd
-o cleanup_service_name=pre-cleanup
E-Mail add Header
X-Spam-* headers
- X-Spam-Flag
- X-Spam-Score
- X-Spam-Level
- X-Spam-Status <-- 很長
Example: mail header
# Default
X-Spam-Flag: NO X-Spam-Score: 1.059 X-Spam-Level: * X-Spam-Status: No, score=1.059 tagged_above=-999 required=5 tests=[MISSING_MID=0.14, SPF_FAIL=0.919] autolearn=no autolearn_force=no
X-Spam-Score: -1.789
Force ALL domain adding of the X-Spam-* headers
# 必須要有 "@local_domains_maps" setting 才會加 headers
# 懶做法是
@local_domains_maps = 1;
Add header
$allowed_added_header_fields{lc('X-Spam-Flag')} = 1; $allowed_added_header_fields{lc('X-Spam-Score')} = 1; $allowed_added_header_fields{lc('X-Spam-Level')} = 1; $allowed_added_header_fields{lc('X-Spam-Status')} = 1;
修改 X-Virus-Scanned header field to mail
$X_HEADER_LINE = "By $myproduct_name using ClamAV & SpamAssassin at $mydomain";
X-Virus-Scanned: amavisd-new at $mydomain
Remove Existing X header
# 0 => leave existing X-Virus-Scanned alone (defaults)
# 1 => remove existing headers
$remove_existing_x_scanned_headers = 1; $remove_existing_spam_headers = 1;
Amavisd 的 MTA header
$allowed_added_header_fields{lc('Received')} = 0;
#### HEADER SETTING #### $remove_existing_x_scanned_headers = 1; $remove_existing_spam_headers = 1; @local_domains_maps = ( "." ); $X_HEADER_LINE = "By $myproduct_name using ClamAV & SpamAssassin at $mydomain"; # Add header $allowed_added_header_fields{lc('X-Spam-Status')} = 1; $allowed_added_header_fields{lc('X-Spam-Level')} = 1; $allowed_added_header_fields{lc('X-Spam-Flag')} = 1; $allowed_added_header_fields{lc('X-Spam-Score')} = 1;
* Discarding indexes makes deletion faster;
# 刪除東西, 之後再 Create 返 DROP INDEX msgs_idx_sid ON msgs; DROP INDEX msgrcpt_idx_rid ON msgrcpt; DROP INDEX msgrcpt_idx_mail_id ON msgrcpt; CREATE INDEX msgs_idx_sid ON msgs (sid); CREATE INDEX msgrcpt_idx_rid ON msgrcpt (rid); CREATE INDEX msgrcpt_idx_mail_id ON msgrcpt (mail_id);
* delete unreferenced records from tables msgrcpt and quarantine
DELETE msgrcpt FROM msgrcpt LEFT JOIN msgs USING(mail_id) WHERE msgs.mail_id IS NULL; DELETE quarantine FROM quarantine LEFT JOIN msgs USING(mail_id) WHERE msgs.mail_id IS NULL;
# 很久的 msgs
DELETE FROM msgs WHERE time_num < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 21*24*3600;
# sender domains with >100 messages, sorted on sender.domain:
SELECT count(*) as cnt, avg(bspam_level) as spam_avg, sender.domain FROM msgs LEFT JOIN msgrcpt ON msgs.mail_id=msgrcpt.mail_id LEFT JOIN maddr AS sender ON msgs.sid=sender.id LEFT JOIN maddr AS recip ON msgrcpt.rid=recip.id GROUP BY sender.domain HAVING count(*) > 100 ORDER BY sender.domain DESC LIMIT 100;
// Optimize tables
OPTIMIZE TABLE msgs, msgrcpt, quarantine, maddr;
amavisd connect SQL
@lookup_sql_dsn = ... # tells amavisd how to fetch per-recipient policy and whitelist/blacklist settings #$sql_select_policy = ... #$sql_select_white_black_list = ...
SELECT *,users.id FROM users,policy WHERE (users.policy_id=policy.id) AND (users.email IN (%k)) ORDER BY users.priority DESC; SELECT wb FROM wblist,mailaddr WHERE (wblist.rid=?) AND (wblist.sid=mailaddr.id) AND (mailaddr.email IN (%k)) ORDER BY mailaddr.priority DESC;
maddr // provide unique id for each e-mail address (id, email, domain )
mailaddr // used as senders in wblist (external or local) (id, priority, email)
msgrcpt // per-recipient information related to each processed message (與 msgs.mail_id 有關聯)
policy // 'id' this is the _only_ required field
quarantine // mail_id, chunk_ind, mail_text
users // local users, 0 is low prior, policy_id default: 1 (id, priority, policy_id, email, fullname, local)
wblist // per-recipient whitelist (rid: users.id, sid: mailaddr.id, wb: W or Y / B or N)
INSERT INTO users VALUES ( 1, 9, 5, '[email protected]','Name1 Surname1', 'Y'); INSERT INTO users VALUES (10, 3, 8, 'userA', 'NameA SurnameA anywhere', 'Y'); INSERT INTO users VALUES (14, 3, 0, '@sub1.example.net', NULL, 'Y'); INSERT INTO users VALUES (16, 3, 5, '@example.net', NULL, 'Y'); -- INSERT INTO users VALUES (20, 0, 5, '@.', NULL, 'N'); -- catchall INSERT INTO mailaddr VALUES (1, 5, '@example.com'); INSERT INTO mailaddr VALUES (2, 9, '[email protected]'); INSERT INTO mailaddr VALUES (3, 9, '[email protected]'); INSERT INTO wblist VALUES (14, 1, 'W'); INSERT INTO wblist VALUES (14, 3, 'W'); INSERT INTO wblist VALUES (17, 2, 'W'); INSERT INTO wblist VALUES (17, 3, 'W'); INSERT INTO policy (id, policy_name, virus_lover, spam_lover, banned_files_lover, bad_header_lover, bypass_virus_checks, bypass_spam_checks, bypass_banned_checks, bypass_header_checks, spam_modifies_subj, spam_tag_level, spam_tag2_level, spam_kill_level) VALUES (1, 'Non-paying', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y','Y','Y','N', 'Y', 3.0, 7, 10), (2, 'Uncensored', 'Y','Y','Y','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'N', 3.0, 999, 999), (3, 'Wants all spam','N','Y','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 999, 999), (4, 'Wants viruses', 'Y','N','Y','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 6.9, 6.9), (5, 'Normal', 'N','N','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 6.9, 6.9), (6, 'Trigger happy', 'N','N','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 5, 5), (7, 'Permissive', 'N','N','N','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 10, 20), (8, '6.5/7.8', 'N','N','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'N', 3.0, 6.5, 7.8), (9, 'userB', 'N','N','N','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'Y', 3.0, 6.3, 6.3), (10,'userC', 'N','N','N','N', 'N','N','N','N', 'N', 3.0, 6.0, 6.0), (11,'userD', 'Y','N','Y','Y', 'N','N','N','N', 'N', 3.0, 7, 7);
-- $sql_select_policy setting in amavisd.conf tells amavisd how to fetch per-recipient policy settings.
-- SELECT *,users.id FROM users,policy
-- WHERE (users.policy_id=policy.id) AND (users.email IN (%k))
-- ORDER BY users.priority DESC;
-- $sql_select_white_black_list in amavisd.conf tells amavisd how to check sender in per-recipient whitelist/blacklist.
-- See comments there. Example:
-- SELECT wb FROM wblist,mailaddr
-- WHERE (wblist.rid=?) AND (wblist.sid=mailaddr.id) AND (mailaddr.email IN (%k))
-- ORDER BY mailaddr.priority DESC;
The SELECT, INSERT and UPDATE clauses as used by the amavisd-new program are configurable through %sql_clause
reset Bayes 學錯的 eml
[1] 看看 bayes 的 DB 是否在 Default 位置
ls -l ~amavis/.spamassassin
[2] 用 amavis 的身份 reset 佢
su amavis
sa-learn --forget tmp.eml
@av_scanners = ( ### http://www.clamav.net/ ['ClamAV-clamd', \&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", "/var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.sock"], qr/\bOK$/m, qr/\bFOUND$/m, qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/m ], # NOTE: run clamd under the same user as amavisd - or run it under its own # uid such as clamav, add user clamav to the amavis group, and then add # AllowSupplementaryGroups to clamd.conf; # NOTE: match socket name (LocalSocket) in clamav.conf to the socket name in # this entry; when running chrooted one may prefer a socket under $MYHOME. );
Email address 的 lookups 次序
Hash lookups
following order:
- lookup for [email protected]
- lookup for [email protected] (only if $recipient_delimiter is '+')
- lookup for user+foo@
- lookup for user@ (only if $recipient_delimiter is '+')
- lookup for sub.example.com
- lookup for .sub.example.com
- lookup for .example.com
- lookup for .com
- lookup for .
9 - lookup for [email protected]
8 - lookup for [email protected] (only if $recipient_delimiter is '+')
7 - lookup for user+foo (only if domain part is local)
6 - lookup for user (only local; only if $recipient_delimiter is '+')
5 - lookup for @sub.example.com
3 - lookup for @.sub.example.com
2 - lookup for @.example.com
1 - lookup for @.com
0 - lookup for @. (catchall)
容許 exe 檔通過
要同時刪了以下兩句內的 exe-ms 及 exe, 否則部份 exe 不能通過
qr'^\.(exe-ms|dll|js)$', # banned file(1) types, rudimentary # qr'^\.(exe|lha|cab|dll)$', # banned file(1) types
... "... | P=p004,L=1/2/1,T=exe,T=exe-ms,N=software.exe", matching_key="(?-xism:^\134.(exe-ms|dll|js)$)"
... Blocked BANNED (.exe,.exe-ms,software.exe)
".docx" often incorrectly detected as ".exe"
Nov 29 23:03:47 mail amavis[11917]: ...
| P=p026,L=1/2/21,T=exe,T=exe-ms,N=[trash]/0000.dat", matching_key="(?-xism:^\\.(exe-ms|dll)$)"
$banned_filename_re = new_RE( [qr'^\[trash\]/[0-9a-f]{4}\.dat$' => 0 ], # allow trash sections of docx files ... );
Error 1: 誤 block 了 PDF 檔
amavis[13049]: (13049-16) Blocked BANNED (application/x-msdownload,.pdf,KV-6521 20131202.pdf)
原因: MIME type "application/x-msdownload" instead of "application/pdf"
原來 Mail Client "JavaMail.open-xchange" 出的信 MINE 是這樣 ...
Error 2: 有 mail Incoming server 時會有以下 log
Mar 11 11:48:39 mymail amavis[16435]: (16435-17) Open relay? Nonlocal recips but not originating: user at somewhere.net
在 configure file 加入
$policy_bank{'MYNETS'} = {
originating => 1,
allow_disclaimers => 0,
log_level => 1,
$interface_policy{'10024'} = 'SASL_AUTH';
$policy_bank{'SASL_AUTH'} = {
originating => 1, # indicates client is ours, allows signing
For more complex setups where your users submit mail from foreign networks,
you need to set up a dedicated policy bank with originating=>1,
attach it to a dedicated TCP port, then configure Postfix to pass authenticated mail from MSA to such port.
Error 3: spamassassin
所有 mail 都中 "FH_DATE_PAST_20XX" 被加 3 分
describe FH_DATE_PAST_20XX The date is grossly in the future.
header FH_DATE_PAST_20XX Date =~ /20[1-9][0-9]/ [if-unset: 2006]
score FH_DATE_PAST_20XX 0.0
service amavisd restart
- https://opensource.apple.com/source/amavisd/amavisd-110/amavisd/amavisd-...
- https://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/amavisd-new-docs.html
- http://www.akadia.com/download/documents/amavisd.conf.txt
- http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/amavisd-new-docs.html
- http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/README.postfix.html
- http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/README.lookups.txt
- http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/README.sql.txt
- http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/README.sql-mysql.txt
- http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/README.protocol.txt
- http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/README.customize.txt