
最後更新: 2022-11-25



Client/Server based backup program

License: GNU AGPLv3

Bareos is a fork of the Bacula version 5.2(@2010)


  • Director Daemon
  • Console
  • File Daemon
  • Storage Daemon
  • Catalog services

Director Daemon

It schedules and supervises all the backup, restore, verify and archive operations.


WebUI: bareos-webui

CLI: bareos-bconsole

user to communicate with the Bareos Director.

File Daemon (on each Client)

sends files to the Storage Daemon

Storage Daemon

There can be multiple Bareos Storage Daemon in your environment,

all controlled by the same Bareos Director.

Catalog services(DB)

maintaining the file indexes and volume databases for all files backed up.

PostgreSQL, SQLite(Deprecated), MySQL(Deprecated)


Accurate mode


* In non Accurate mode, files deleted after a Full save will be included in a restoration.
 To avoid this, use Accurate mode backup.
 Accurate mode
 For 500.000 files (a typical desktop linux system), it will require approximately 64 Megabytes of RAM on your File daemon




Director: 9101/tcp

PostgreSQL: 5432/tcp

WebUI: PHP(internal webserver) 9100/tcp, Apache: 9101/tcp



Testing Configuration Files


su bareos -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/sbin/bareos-dir -t"
su bareos -s /bin/sh -c "/usr/sbin/bareos-sd -t"
bareos-fd -t
bconsole -t
bareos-tray-monitor -t


Start the Bareos Daemons


systemctl start bareos-dir
systemctl start bareos-sd
systemctl start bareos-fd






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