Win 10
* Deleting files from the WinSxS folder or deleting the entire WinSxS folder may severely damage your system
WinSxS: The location for Windows Component Store files.
(support the functions needed for the customization and updating of Windows)
# It will tell you if cleanup is recommended or not
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore
* /Online parameter to target the current running version of Windows
# cleanup "/AnalyzeComponentStore" 分析的 file
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup
# All existing service packs and updates cannot be uninstalled after this command is completed.
Dism.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase
Vista 減肥
1. 關閉系統保護 # 最好保留, 因為系統還原要用到它
2. 取消休眠 (hiberfil.sys) # 方法: powercfg.exe /hibernate off
3. 更改分頁位置 (page.sys)
4. 更改 temp 的位置
# 有機會有垃圾的地方
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Temp # %tmp%
5. 刪除沒用的檔案
- C:\Users\Public 下的 simple 檔
- C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper
6. C:\Boot\不用的lang
7. C:\perflogs\System\Diagnostics
8. 刪除不用的 Lang
- C:\Windows\IME\IMESC5 微軟拼音
- C:\Windows\IME\IMEJP10 日文
- C:\Windows\IME\imekr8 韓文
============== 不是沒有空間的話勿刪除 =================
C:\Windows\Installer # 千萬不要刪除它, 否則系統會無了一些 icon