最後更新: 2022-10-27
- Cache-Control
- Expires 與 Pragma
- Vary header
- ETag
- "no-cache" CDN 可以 Cache. 表示必須先與伺服器確認傳回的回應是否已變更(透過 ETag 檢查)
- "no-store" 禁止 Browser / CDN cache 它 (隱私資料)
- "max-age" 從目前請求起 cache N 秒.
- "private" 內容只開放給單一使用者, 因此 CDN 不應 cache 它. 但 Browser 是可以 cache 的
- "public" 可有可無的設定
* 只能建議 CDN 如何去 cache, CDN 如何做就強制不了.
<FilesMatch ".(ico|js|css)$"> Header set Cache-Control "no-store, no-cache" </FilesMatch>
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache
Expires 與 Pragma
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT Pragma: no-cache
Expires: <http-date>
http-date: "Wed, 21 Oct 2023 08:00:00 GMT"
* "0" represent a date in the past and mean that the resource is already expired.
* If there is a Cache-Control header with the max-age or s-maxage directive in the response,
the Expires header is ignored.
Pragma: no-cache => "Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache"
Pragma = 舊方式 (新: cache-control: no-cache)
* "cache-control" headers take precedence on most modern systems
Vary response header
Server --> Client
In contrast to the previous Accept-* headers, which are sent by the client,
The Vary HTTP header is sent by the web server in its response.
Use this header if you dynamically serve different content for the same URL.
It indicates the list of headers(i.e. User-Agent) the server uses during the server-driven content negotiation phase.
The Vary header is needed to inform the cache of the decision criteria so that it can reproduce it.
目的: 防止 cache 錯野 (mobile 版, desktop 版)
Vary: User-Agent
It is a http header stating that different content is served to different User-Agent(Brownser)
Vary: *
The special value '*' means that the server-driven content negotiation also
uses information not conveyed in a header to choose the appropriate content.
Obviously, the wildcard '*' prevents caching from occurring, as the cache can't know what element is behind it.
If server can't provide a suitable resource,
it might respond with 406 (Not Acceptable) or 415 (Unsupported Media Type)
ETag 的功用是如果資源的內容沒有發生改變, Web服務器就不需要發送一個完整的響應
- ETag 的比較只對同一個URL有意義
- ETag在HTTP頭字段中的使用是可選的
- 沒有明確指定生成ETag值的方法 (版本號, CRC, MD5)
- 客戶端可以決定是否緩存這個資源和它的ETag。
強/弱 ETag
- "123456789" # 強ETag驗證符
- W/"123456789" # 弱ETag驗證符
強 ETag 要求兩個資源內容的每個字節需完全相同
如果客戶端再次訪問相同的URL, 將會發送一個包含已保存的ETag 的 "If-None-Match" header
客戶端請求之後, 服務器可能會比較客戶端的ETag和當前版本資源的ETag,
如果 ETag 值匹配, 那服務器便會發送回一個極短的響應(304)
curl -I $myurl
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... ETag: "639f-15fc-4a0f77094aa40"
curl -I -H 'If-None-Match: "639f-15fc-4a0f77094aa40"' $myurl
HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified