最後更新: 2017-09-27
在 Windows 上很有用, 因為 Windows 沒有 rsyslog, 所以做唔到 log rotate
Source: https://github.com/JBlond/mod_log_rotate
Copy mod_log_rotate.so to your Apache 2.4.x modules folder
LoadModule log_rotate_module modules/mod_log_rotate.so
# Enable
RotateLogs On
# Normally the log rotation interval is based on UTC.
# "on": log rotation is timed relative to the local time.
RotateLogsLocalTime On
# Set the interval in seconds for log rotation. (Default: 86400)
# RotateInterval <interval> [<offset>]
# i.e. 7 days @ 00:00
RotateInterval 604800
Log format
- access.log.1506512460
- access.log.1506512520
- access.log.1506512580
* error.log 是不會 rotate 的
更新 log filename
CustomLog "logs/access-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.log" common