最後更新: 2017-04-27
By default libvirt 的 snapshot 會保儲
- memory
- disk
- device state
snapshot-list centos6.3
Name Creation Time State ------------------------------------------------------------
virsh # snapshot-current centos6.3
error: domain 'centos6.3' has no current snapshot
Default: disk and RAM ( 加了 --disk-only 就只會 backup harddisk)
virsh # snapshot-create centos6.3
Domain snapshot 1345047528 created
virsh # snapshot-list centos6.3
Name Creation Time State
1345047528 2012-08-16 00:18:48 +0800 shutoff
1345047747 2012-08-16 00:22:27 +0800 shutoff
# 不是用數字做名的 snapshot:
virsh # snapshot-create-as debian7 clearos "clear state"
virsh # snapshot-list debian7
Name Creation Time State ------------------------------------------------------------ clearos 2013-12-11 15:51:25 +0800 shutoff
snapshot-parent centos6.3 1345047747
1345047528 <-- 只顯示一層
snapshot-revert centos6.3 1345047528
virsh # snapshot-delete centos6.3 1345047528
Domain snapshot 1345047528 deleted
External snapshots with libvirt
* At the moment external snapshots are a one-way operation
(libvirt can create them but cannot do anything further with them)
# snapshot-create-as && --disk-only
virsh snapshot-create-as mydom snap --disk-only
take Internal snapshots 係比 External snapshots 慢的.
Snapshot By XML
<domainsnapshot> <name>VM1-snap1</name> <description>description type here</description> </domainsnapshot>
virsh snapshot-create VM1 /var/tmp/VM1-snap1.xml
snapshot-dumpxml centos6.3 1345047956
<domainsnapshot> <name>1345047956</name> <state>shutoff</state> <creationTime>1345047956</creationTime> <domain type='kvm'> ................................. </domain> </domainsnapshot>
# If snapshotname is omitted, then --current must be supplied,
# (To edit the current snapshot)
snapshot-edit u22 --current
snapshot-list u22
Name Creation Time State --------------------------------------------------- 1694696159 2023-09-14 20:55:59 +0800 shutoff
# allow editor rename current snapshot, 此 "name" 不是保儲存在 IMAGE 裡
snapshot-edit u22 --current --rename
qemu-img snapshot -l u22.qcow2
Snapshot list: ID TAG VM SIZE DATE VM CLOCK ICOUNT 1 1694696159 0 B 2023-09-14 20:55:59 00:00:00.000 0
Snapshot 的分類
Snapshot 的儲結構一共有種
- Internal snapshot (qcow2) <-- Deafult
- External snapshot (vdi)
- VM State (ram)
查看 Image 檔的內容:
qemu-img info /mnt/vm/centos6.3.qcow2
file format: qcow2 virtual size: 10G (10737418240 bytes) disk size: 818M cluster_size: 65536 Snapshot list: ID TAG VM SIZE DATE VM CLOCK 3 1345047956 0 2012-08-16 00:25:56 00:00:00.000
External snapshot XML:
<disk name='vda' snapshot='external'> <source file='/path/to/new'/> </disk>
它與之後講的 blockpull 是相反操作來
* You cannot commit from the active image of an online guest
# 需要 Version
# QEMU 2.1 (and above), libvirt-1.2.9 (and above).
Checking: qemu-system-x86_64 --version; libvirtd --version
It is a two phase operation:
(1) once an external snapshot (which results in a qcow2 overlay that tracks the new writes from then on) is taken, the content from the overlay can be copied into its backing file (e.g. 'base'); then
(2) pivot live QEMU to 'base'. All of this while the guest is running.
# List the current block device in use:
virsh domblklist win7
# Create an external disk snapshot:
virsh snapshot-create-as win7 guest-state1 \
--diskspec vda,file=/data/vm/win7/overlay1.qcow2 \
--disk-only --atomic
# Create a snapshot for domain <domain> with the given <name>
snapshot-create-as <domain> {[--print-xml] | [--no-metadata] [--halt]
[--reuse-external]} [name] [description] [--disk-only [--quiesce] [--atomic]
[[--diskspec] diskspec]...]
request a disk-only snapshot
the command can also take additional diskspec
then the snapshot data is created, but any metadata is immediately discarded
(that is, libvirt does not treat the snapshot as current, and cannot revert to the snapshot unless snapshot-create is later used to teach libvirt about the metadata again)
libvirt will guarantee that the snapshot either succeeds, or fails with no changes;
[base] (live QEMU)
[base] <-- [overlay1] (live QEMU)
NOTE-1: Above, if you have QEMU guest agent installed in your virtual machine, try '--quiesce' option with virsh snapshot-create-as[. . .] to ensure you have a consistent disk state.
NOTE-2: Optionally, you can also supply '--no-metadata' option to tell libvirt to not track the snapshot metadata -- this is useful currently, at a later point when you decide to merge snapshot files, you have to explicitly clean the libvirt metadata
virsh domblklist win7
Take a backup of the original disk in backround using your faviourite tool:
$ cp /export/images/base.img /export/images/copy.img
$ rsync -avh --progress /export/images/base.img \
[4] live mergning contents
virsh blockcommit win7 vda --active --verbose --pivot
--active: It performs a two stage operation:
first stage – it commits the contents from top images into base (i.e. sn1, sn2, current into base);
second stage, the block operation remains awake to synchronize any further changes (from top images into base), here the user can take two actions: cancel the job, or pivot the job, i.e. adjust the base image as the current active image.
--pivot: Once data is committed from sn1, sn2 and current into base, it pivots the live QEMU to use base as the active image.
--verbose: Displays a progress of block operation.
# checking
virsh domblklist vm1
Flattens an image by populating it with data from its backing image chain.
This makes the image file self-contained so that it no longer depends on backing images
* You can only pull into the active image of an online guest
Looks like this:
Before: Base.img ← Active.img
After: Base.img is no longer used by the guest and Active.img contains all of the data.
virsh snapshot-create-as $dom $name --disk-only
# Before: base ← snap1 ← snap2 ← active
virsh blockpull $dom $disk snap1
# This command makes 'snap1' the backing file of active, by pulling data from snap2 into active resulting in:
# After: base ← snap1 ← active.
Once the blockpull is complete, the libvirt tracking of the snapshot that created the extra image in the chain is no longer useful.
Delete the tracking on the outdated snapshot with this command:
virsh snapshot-delete $dom $name --metadata
blockpull domain path [bandwidth] [base] [--wait [--verbose]
path specifies fully-qualified path of the disk;
<source file='name'/>
By default, this command flattens the entire chain;
but if base is specified, containing the name of one of the
backing files in the chain, then that file becomes the new backing file and
only the intermediate portion of the chain is pulled.
By default, this command returns as soon as possible, and data for the entire
disk is pulled in the background; the progress of the operation can be checked
with blockjob. However, if --wait is specified, then this command will block
until the operation completes, or cancel the operation if the optional timeout
in seconds elapses or SIGINT is sent (usually with "Ctrl-C").
Using --verbose along with --wait will produce periodic status updates.