NSSM is the Non-Sucking service manager
HomePage: http://nssm.cc/download
- graphical service installer and remover
- nssm should work under Windows 2000 or later
NSSM will launch the application listed in the registry when
you send it a start signal and will terminate it when you send a stop signal.
unzip it in C:\nssm-2.24 directory
cd C:\nssm-2.24\win64
It will pop up GUI screen in which we have to provide nginx information.
# nssm install <servicename>
nssm.exe install nginx
# Edit Setting
nssm edit <servicename>
nssm get <servicename> <parameter>
nssm set <servicename> <parameter> <value>
nssm reset <servicename> <parameter>
# Controlling services using the command line
nssm start <servicename>
nssm restart <servicename>
nssm stop <servicename>
nssm status <servicename>
# Removing services using the GUI
nssm remove <servicename>