最後更新: 2019-07-19
OWA 的 inbox folder 語言
Outlook system folders names assigned according to language of Outlook client used for first connection
(profile 會在第一次 Login 時建立)
This folders cant be renamed.
To reset system folders names in English if it created with other language run Outlook with this user profile with
/resetfoldernames commandline switch after changing the user interface language to English
or installing a different language (English) version of Outlook.
Login re-create 的 User 失敗
:-( 發生錯誤 發生意外的錯誤,無法處理您的要求。 X-OWA-Error: System.ArgumentException X-OWA-Version: 15.0.847.32 X-FEServer: SERVER4 X-BEServer: SERVER4 Date: 2016/9/5 上午 07:23:42 較少詳細資料... 重新整理頁面
restart 整個 IIS
Reconnected mailbox not able to be opened in OWA (Exchange 2010)
This may be because the Active Directory object doesn't exist or the object has become corrupted, or because you don't have the correct permissions.
The Active Directory resource couldn't be accessed.
The information store caches information contained in the directory store and,
by default, it re-reads it every 120 minutes.
Therefore, any change to a directory object is not reflected in the information store for two hours.
If the store is busy then this may take longer.
The fastest way to update store cache is by restarting the Information store service.