peewee 中文解作 n. 矮小的人, 小東西
simple and small ORM
built-in support for sqlite, mysql and postgresql
pip install peewee
version: peewee 2.2.3 <-- sqlite3
Model Definition
Model class Database table
Field instance Column on a table
Model instance Row in a database table
- CharField varchar
- TextField text
- BooleanField smallint
- IntegerField integer
- FloatField real
- DateTimeField datetime
- DateField date
- TimeField time
- PrimaryKeyField integer
- BlobField blob
# Model Definition
from peewee import * # Create an instance of a Database db = SqliteDatabase('cms.db') # In order not to pollute the model namespace, # model-specific configuration is placed in a special class called Meta class BaseModel(Model): class Meta: database = db # 指定用那個 DB. 當沒有指定 DB 時, 那 peewee 會建立 peewee.db # Define a model class class Person(BaseModel): name = CharField() birthday = DateField() is_relative = BooleanField(default = True) class Pet(BaseModel): owner = ForeignKeyField(Person, related_name='pets') name = CharField() animal_type = CharField()
# 建立 Table
# connect to the database
>>> db.connect()
# 做完所有野後, 可以 Close 它 "db.close()"
# Connecting using a Database URL
import os from peewee import * from playhouse.db_url import connect # Connect to the database URL defined in the environment, falling # back to a local Sqlite database if no database URL is specified. db = connect(os.environ.get('DATABASE') or 'sqlite:///default.db') class BaseModel(Model): class Meta: database = db
# creating the tables in the database
>>> Person.create_table()
>>> Pet.create_table()
再行一次 create 會有
peewee.OperationalError: table "person" already exists
在未有 tables 時會見到
peewee.OperationalError: no such table: person
# 另一個寫法
# db.create_tables([Person, Pet])
建立的 table schema 如下:
CREATE TABLE "person" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "birthday" DATE NOT NULL, "is_relative" SMALLINT NOT NULL); CREATE TABLE "pet" ("id" INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, "owner_id" INTEGER NOT NULL, "name" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, "animal_type" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, FOREIGN KEY ("owner_id") REFERENCES "person" ("id")); CREATE INDEX "pet_owner_id" ON "pet" ("owner_id");
class Field
Field class is used to describe the mapping of Model attributes to database columns.
class Field(null=False, index=False, unique=False, verbose_name=None, help_text=None, db_column=None, default=None, choices=None, *args, **kwargs)
- null (bool) – whether this column can accept None or NULL values
- index (bool) – whether to create an index for this column when creating the table
- unique (bool) – whether to create a unique index for this column when creating the table
- help_text (string) – specify some instruction text for the usage/meaning of this field
- choices – an iterable of 2-tuples mapping value to display
- primary_key (bool) – whether to use this as the primary key for the table
Field initialization
- null = False
- index = False
- unique = False
- help_text = None
- primary_key = False
class ForeignKeyField
class ForeignKeyField(rel_model, related_name=???)
- related_name (string) – attribute to expose on related model
# Storing data
>>> from datetime import date
>>> uncle_bob = Person(name='Bob', birthday=date(1960, 1, 15), is_relative=True)
>>> num_of_record = uncle_bob.save() # bob is now stored in the database
# return model
>>> grandma = Person.create(name='Grandma', birthday=date(1935, 3, 1), is_relative=True)
# 建立一個人擁有的 pet
>>> grandma_kitty = Pet.create(owner=grandma, name='Mittens', animal_type='cat')
# Change
>>> grandma.name = 'Grandma L.'
>>> grandma.save()
>>> herb_mittens.delete_instance() # he had a great life
Getting single records
# 相當於 grandma = Person.select().where(Person.name == 'Grandma L.').get()
grandma = Person.get(Person.name == 'Grandma L.')
# Lists of records
for person in Person.select(): print person.name, person.is_relative
>>> for pet in Pet.select().where(Pet.owner == uncle_bob).order_by(Pet.name):
... print pet.name
>>> for person in Person.select().order_by(Person.birthday.desc()):
... print person.name
>>> d1940 = date(1940, 1, 1)
>>> d1960 = date(1960, 1, 1)
>>> for person in Person.select().where((Person.birthday < d1940) | (Person.birthday > d1960)):
... print person.name
Parameters: num (int) – limit results to num rows
Parameters: num (int) – offset results by num rows
sq = (User .select(User, fn.Count(Tweet.id).alias('count')) .join(Tweet) .group_by(User) .having(fn.Count(Tweet.id) > 100))
join(model, join_type=None, on=None)
join_type – allows the type of JOIN used to be specified explicitly, one of JOIN_INNER(default), JOIN_LEFT_OUTER, JOIN_FULL
sq = SelectQuery(Tweet).join(User).where( (User.is_editor == True) | (User.is_admin == True))
Counting records
>>> Tweet.select().where(Tweet.id > 50).count()
Logging queries
# All queries are logged to the "peewee" namespace
# Queries are logged using the DEBUG level.
# Print all queries to stderr.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger('peewee')
Work with webpy
db = SqliteDatabase('my_webpy_app.db') def connection_processor(handler): db.connect() try: return handler() finally: if not db.is_closed(): db.close() app.add_processor(connection_processor)
Generate peewee model definitions for an existing database
python -m pwiz --engine=sqlite test.db
playhouse - pskel
print the skeleton code to stdout
# -e <db_driver>, Default: sqlite
# -d db_to_connect, Defalt: :memory:
# Log all queries to stdout.
pskel [-e] [-d][-l] model1 model2 ...
pskel -d cms User Game
- http://peewee.readthedocs.org/en/latest/peewee/querying.html
- http://peewee.readthedocs.org/en/latest/peewee/models.html
- http://peewee.readthedocs.org/en/latest/peewee/api.html