* py2exe is a Python Distutils extension
* converts Python scripts into executable Windows programs
Home Page: http://www.py2exe.org/
Download URL: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=15583
How does py2exe decide which modules you need
To display this debugging trace, run the py2exe "module finder" code standalone
with at least one -d option to turn on "debugging":
python -m py2exe.mf -d path/to/my_file.py
files (py2exe 透過 python 的modulefinder 來找到所需的module)
- myprog.exe The actual executable.
- python??.dll the python interpreter library. This is the brain of your executable <-- 2.4MByte !!
- library.zip pure source modules will be inserted
- *.pyd The pyd files are actually standard Windows DLL
- *.dll some pyd probably have some DLL dependencies, and here they come
from distutils.core import setup import py2exe setup(console=['hello.py'])
# Providing the Microsoft Visual C runtime DLL
當 Client 沒有要 MVC runtime 時, 會見到
"The system cannot execute the specified program."
python.exe setup.py py2exe
running py2exe creating D:\py_script\ApacheCheck\build creating D:\py_script\ApacheCheck\build\bdist.win32 creating D:\py_script\ApacheCheck\build\bdist.win32\winexe creating D:\py_script\ApacheCheck\build\bdist.win32\winexe\collect-2.7 creating D:\py_script\ApacheCheck\build\bdist.win32\winexe\bundle-2.7 creating D:\py_script\ApacheCheck\build\bdist.win32\winexe\temp creating D:\py_script\ApacheCheck\dist *** searching for required modules *** *** parsing results *** creating python loader for extension 'win32evtlog' (C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\win32\win32evtlog.pyd -> win32evtlog.pyd) .......................
The data_files takes a tuple
1) the location to store the data and
2) the location to copy the data from
setup(windows=["HtmlConv.py"], data_files=[("bmp",["bmp/logo.bmp", "bmp/title.gif"]), ("wav", glob.glob("sounds*.wav"))])
sys.executable is set to the full pathname of the exe-file.
The first item in sys.argv is the full pathname of the executable, the rest are the command line arguments.
sys.frozen only exists in the executable. It is set to "console_exe" for a console executable, to "windows_exe" for a console-less gui executable, and to "dll" for a inprocess dll server.
__file__ is not defined (you might want to use sys.argv[0] instead)
__file__ is not defined (you might want to use sys.argv[0] instead)
import os, sys if hasattr(sys, 'frozen'): basis = sys.executable else: basis = sys.argv[0] required_folder = os.path.split(basis)[0]
# compiling of the needed modules
# optimized bytecode
python -OO setup.py py2exe
Exclude _ssl
setup( console=['ApacheCheck.py'], options={ "py2exe":{"optimize": 2,"excludes": ['_ssl']} } )
為 EXE 加入 Icons
# The resource number does not seem to matter. Windows just takes the first existing icon.
# LiquidIcon is a freeware icon editor that lets you combine multiple ico files of different sizes and bit-depths into a single ico file.
setup( windows = [ { "script": "with_gui.py", "icon_resources": [(1, "myicon.ico")] } ], )
Distutils setup keywords
list of scripts to convert into console exes
list of scripts to convert into GUI exes
list of module names containing win32 service classes
# distutils
>>> from distutils.core import setup
>>> help(setup)
The options dictionary of py2exe
optimize (0, 1, or 2) 0 = don’t optimize
compressed (boolean) create a compressed zipfile
(For the price of running a tad slower, you can compress the library zip using the compress option. )
excludes list of module names to exclude
# py2exe automatically includes the entire encodings library in the distribution.
# If you're absolutely sure you won't need to deal with Unicode
setup( windows=['trypyglet.py'], options={ "py2exe":{ "unbuffered": True, "optimize": 2, "excludes": ["email"] } } )