最後更新: 2022-09-02
- python3-pymysql
- mysqldb
- mysql-connector-python (建議)
- sqlalchemy
Pure-Python MySQL Driver
Homepage: https://github.com/PyMySQL/PyMySQL
drop-in replacement for MySQLdb and work on CPython, PyPy, IronPython and Jython.
yum install python-pip; pip install mysqldb # C6
yum install MySQL-python # C7
#!/bin/env python import MySQLdb # Settings dbhost = "localhost" dbuser = "username" dbpass = "password" mydb = "mydb" # Code db = MySQLdb.connect(dbhost, dbuser , dbpass, mydb) cursor = db.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT VERSION()") data = cursor.fetchone() print "Database version : %s " % data db.close()
import MySQLdb conn = MySQLdb.connect(host="localhost", user="db_user", passwd="db_pass", db="db_name", charset='utf8') cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM db_table") result = cursor.fetchall() for row in result: id = row[0] city = row[1] cursor.execute('''INSERT into db_table(id, city) values (%s, %s)''', (id, city)) conn.commit() cursor.close() conn.close()
Doc: http://mysql-python.sourceforge.net/MySQLdb.html
# By default Connector turns autocommit off
# InnoDB tables is necessary to commit your changes using the connection's commit() method.
* 不 commit 就相當於自動行了 rollback()
結論: You must commit the data after a sequence of INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements.
enable or disable the autocommit feature of MySQL.
>>> cnx.autocommit
>>> cnx.autocommit = True
>>> cnx.autocommit
Other Function:
cursor.fetchall() # fetches all rows of a query result set and returns a list of tuples.
len(cursor.fetchall()) # 0, 1, 2 ....
cursor.fetchone() # returned tuple consists of data returned by the MySQL server
mysql_insert_id() # conn.insert_id()
mysql_num_fields() # result.num_fields()
mysql_num_rows() # result.num_rows()
mysql-connector-python (Official MysQL Python Connector)
MySQL 官方出的 python library.
Written in Python which does not depend on MySQL C client libraries.
Lib MySQL 8.0 8.0, 5.7, 5.6, 5.5 2.1 5.7, 5.6, 5.5 2.0 5.7, 5.6, 5.5 1.2 5.7, 5.6, 5.5 (5.1, 5.0, 4.1)
# Window
easy_install.exe mysql-connector-python
# Centos6 - epel
yum install mysql-connector-python
Test Code:
import mysql.connector config = { 'user': 'pytest', 'password': '?????????', 'host': 'localhost', 'database': 'pytest', 'raise_on_warnings': True, } # cnx 未連線, 所以不用 try cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config) try: if cnx.is_connected(): db_Info = cnx.get_server_info() print db_Info cursor = cnx.cursor() except mysql.connector.Error as err: if err.errno == errorcode.ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: print("Something is wrong with your user name or password") elif err.errno == errorcode.ER_BAD_DB_ERROR: print("Database does not exists") else: print(err) finally: if (cnx.is_connected()): cursor.close() cnx.close()
raise_on_warnings (False)
# Whether to raise an exception on warnings.
buffered (False)
Whether cursor objects fetch the results immediately after executing queries.
autocommit (off)
import datetime import mysql.connector cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='scott', database='employees') cursor = cnx.cursor() query = ("SELECT first_name, last_name, hire_date FROM employees " "WHERE hire_date BETWEEN %s AND %s") hire_start = datetime.date(1999, 1, 1) hire_end = datetime.date(1999, 12, 31) cursor.execute(query, (hire_start, hire_end)) # cursor 會成為一個 tuple # 內容是: # str u'' # 1 # None # datetime.datetime(2015, 12, 15, 11, 40, 26) for (first_name, last_name, hire_date) in cursor: print("{}, {} was hired on {:%d %b %Y}".format( last_name, first_name, hire_date)) cursor.close() cnx.close()
cnx = mysql.connector.connect(user='scott', database='employees') cursor = cnx.cursor() add_employee = ("INSERT INTO employees " "(first_name, last_name, hire_date, gender, birth_date) " "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)") data_employee = ('Geert', 'Vanderkelen', tomorrow, 'M', date(1977, 6, 14)) # Insert new employee cursor.execute(add_employee, data_employee) emp_no = cursor.lastrowid # By default Connector/Python turns autocommit off, # and MySQL 5.5 and later uses transactional InnoDB tables by default # Make sure data is committed to the database # 沒有 commit(), 相當於 cnx.rollback() # commit() 是在 connector 上做的 cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close()