RHEL 9 (EOL: 2032)
- File System: XFS # 依舊
- Kernel Version: 5.14
- Compiler: GCC 11
File system
XFS now supports Direct Access (DAX) operations
NFS introduces the “eager write” mount option
The new MultiPath TCP daemon (mptcpd) to configure MultiPath TCP (MPTCP) endpoints
(without using the iproute2 utility)
network-scripts(removed), iptables-nft & ipset (deprecated)
Config file 改了位置
s-nail replaces mailx
ksmtuned is now distributed separately from qemu-kvm
The overlayfs support is now available from kernel 5.11
The crun container runtime is now the default runtime.
cgroup v2 (enabled by default)
Netavark stack
Default Databases
MySQL 8.0, MariaDB 10.5, PostgreSQL 13, Redis 6.2
Runtimes and tools
- GCC 11.2.1
- LLVM 13.0.1
- Python 3.9
- Perl 5.32
- Node.js 16
- PHP 8.0
Deprecated in RHEL 9
* SCP is replaced by SFTP
* teamd is replaced by bond
(1) 安不了 aspell
dnf install aspell-en
- nothing provides aspell >= 12:0.60 needed by aspell-en-50:2020.12.07-7.el9.x86_64 from epel
yum repolist all | grep devel
devel Rocky Linux 9 - Devel WARNING! FOR BUILDR disabled
yum install -y yum-utils
# yum-config-manager --enable <repo-id>
yum-config-manager --enable devel
dnf install aspell
# SELinux running with no policy loaded
grubby --update-kernel ALL --args selinux=0
# To revert back to SELinux enabled:
grubby --update-kernel ALL --remove-args selinux