
最後更新: 2022-07-19



VPN Protocols Supported by SoftEther VPN Server

  • SoftEther VPN Protocol (Ethernet over HTTPS)
  • OpenVPN (L3-mode and L2-mode)
  • L2TP/IPsec
  • MS-SSTP (Microsoft Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol)
  • L2TPv3/IPsec
  • EtherIP/IPsec

Home Page:



  • Install
  • 設定語言
  • Start & Stop
  • Config file & Admin ACL
  • Command-Line Utility
  • Changing the Manager Password
  • Cipher Suite
  • Logs
  • Firewall Port
  • Save all volatile data
  • ...
  • AccessList
  • AccessList
  • Route traffic to another side
  • OpenVPN
  • Reset Administrator Password
  • Reset Statistics
  • Access Server after VPN
  • Upgrade
  • Changelog
  • Doc




RTM Version

RTM stands for release to manufacturing


yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y

cd /opt

tar -zxf softether-vpnserver-v4.20-9608-rtm-2016.04.17-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz

cd /opt/vpnserver


Start & Stop

./vpnserver start

./vpnserver stop

Startup script


# chkconfig: 2345 99 01
# description: SoftEther VPN Server


test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
  case "$1" in
     $DAEMON start
     touch $LOCK
     $DAEMON stop
     rm $LOCK
    $DAEMON stop
    sleep 3
    $DAEMON start
    echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
    exit 1
exit 0

Auto Start

chmod 755 /etc/init.d/vpnserver

chkconfig --add vpnserver    # Centos

service vpnserver start         # Centos

chkconfig vpnserver on


netstat -ntlp | grep 5555

ps aux | grep vpnserver

Ubuntu Version


# Provides: vpnserver
# Required-Start: $network $local_fs
# Required-Stop: $network $local_fs
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: SoftEther VPN Server


systemctl start vpnserver

systemctl enable vpnserver





#  ja: Japanese (日本語)
#  en: English (English)
#  cn: Simplified Chinese (简体中文)


Config file & Admin ACL


Administration Tools

 * vpncmd.exe      # CLI

 * vpnsmgr.exe     # GUI

Virtual Hubs

 * Multiple Virtual Hubs can be created in the SoftEther VPN Server.

 * Each Virtual Hub has an independent layer 2 segment and is incapable of communicating with the others.

它們有各自的 user authentication database and access list, SecureNAT settings and cascade connection settings

Admin Level:

  • Administration Authority for the Entire SoftEther VPN Server
  • Virtual Hub Administration Authority (enabling the delegation of authority )

Config File


* permission must 600

第一次行 vpnserver 才會建立

# The VPN Server service must be manually stopped in the following cases

    * When manually editing or replacing the configuration file

    * When updating the vpnserver program and other files after the release of a new version of VPN Server
       (To replace the vpnserver, vpncmd and hamcore.se2 files, be sure to stop the service in advance.)

    * When you want to restart the service due to erratic behavior of the operating VPN Server

Administration Connection Source IPs ACL

 * 建立 adminip.txt 不用 restart softehter 就生效

 * 空的 adminip.txt 會令所有人都 admin 唔到

    echo >> adminip.txt


# localhost can access ALL Virtual Hubs

# Granting 2.11 access HUB1, 3.11 access HUB2       HUB1       HUB2


Command-Line Utility


./vpncmd [host:port] [OPTS] [/CMD commands...]

By using vpncmd program, the following can be achieved

1. Management of VPN Server or VPN Bridge
2. Management of VPN Client
3. Use of VPN Tools (certificate creation and Network Traffic Speed Test Tool)

# help

./vpncmd --help

VPN Server> BridgeCreate?



  • /CLIENT       # This will connect to VPN Client to do management.
  • /SERVER      # This will connect to VPN Server or VPN Bridge
  • /TOOLS

如果不填, 就會問

By using vpncmd program, the following can be achieved.

1. Management of VPN Server or VPN Bridge
2. Management of VPN Client
3. Use of VPN Tools (certificate creation and Network Traffic Speed Test Tool)

/HUB:hub           # When connecting to the VPN Server by "Virtual Hub Admin Mode", this specifies the Virtual Hub name 'hub'.
                         # not the /HUB parameter, connection will be by "Server Admin Mode".

/PASSWORD:password   # If the administrator password is required when connecting


# 直連不問問題

./vpncmd localhost /server


Get Vesion & Check Operations



VPN Server>ServerInfoGet

Version                         |Version 4.25 Build 9656   (English)

VPN Server>check

Checking 'Kernel System'...
Checking 'Memory Operation System'...
Checking 'ANSI / Unicode string processing system'...
Checking 'File system'...
Checking 'Thread processing system'...
Checking 'Network system'...


Changing the Manager Password


# At the time VPN Server is installed, the manager password for the entire VPN Server is not set

VPN Server>ServerPasswordSet


Cipher Suite




Encrypted Algorithm Currently Used by VPN Server:

List of Usable Encrypted Algorithm Names:
 RC4-MD5 (weakest)[default]
 DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA (strongest)


ServerCipherSet DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA




 * All logs are set with a one day switch save cycle in default.

 * 可以在 GUI download log file (Virtual Hub 'X' -> Log File List)

All log files create the three subdirectories

  • packet_log
  • server_log
  • security_log

Server Log

Copies of each of the Virtual Hubs' security logs are saved together in the server log

so that even if a Virtual Hub Administrator sets the security log not to be saved,

it is always saved automatically in the server log

SecureNAT Log

The entire status of SecureNAT's Virtual NAT and Virtual DHCP Server functions are saved in the Virtual Hub's security log.

2019-08-14 18:01:57.487 SecureNAT: The TCP session 1814 has been created.
                                   Connection source, 
                                   Connection destination D.D.D.D:443...
2019-08-14 18:02:47.618 SecureNAT: The TCP session 1814 has been deleted.


Firewall Port


# Panel (443)

firewall-cmd --add-port=443/tcp --permanent

# L2TP Firewall

UDP 500 and 4500

firewall-cmd --add-port=500/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-port=4500/udp --permanent



Save all volatile data




Username to login


If the destination Virtual Hub Name in the login-attempting username is omitted,

 => then the "default Virtual Hub" is to be assumed to be designated by the user.

Login format



UserCreate                 - Create User
UserDelete                 - Delete User
UserGet                    - Get User Information
UserList                   - Get List of Users
UserPasswordSet            - Set Password Authentication for User
UserSet                    - Change User Information



Item            |Value
User Name       |datahunter
Full Name       |
Group Name      |-
Description     |
Auth Method     |Password Authentication
Num Logins      |3
Last Login      |2016-12-02 (Fri) 10:36:40
Expiration Date |No Expiration
Transfer Bytes  |1,314,678
Transfer Packets|16,969


VPN Server/DEFAULT>GroupList


Virtual NAT Function


A Virtual Hub on SoftEther VPN Server / Bridge has "Virtual NAT Function" .

Virtual NAT Function can share a single IP address on the physical network by multiple private IP address of VPN Clients.

There are two operation mode of Virtual NAT: User-mode and Kernel-mode.

In the user-mode operation, Virtual NAT shares an IP address which is assigned on the host operating system.

Unlike user-mode, the kernel-mode operation attempts to find DHCP servers on the physical network.

If there are two or more physical networks, a DHCP server will be sought automatically for each segments serially.

If a DHCP server found, and an IP address is acquired, the IP address will be used by the Virtual NAT.

In this case, an IP entry as a DHCP client will be registered on the IP pool of the physical DHCP Server.

The physical default gateway and the DNS server will be used by the Virtual NAT in order to communicate with hosts in Internet.

In kernel-mode operation, a Virtual Hub has a virtual MAC address which is operating on the physical Ethernet segment.

In order to check the connectivity to Internet, SoftEther VPN periodically sends DNS query packet to resolve the IP address of host

"" or "" , and attempts to connect to the TCP port 80 of such a resulted IP address for connectivity check.


Hub Config


# By default, only one Virtual Hub, named "DEFAULT", is registered to VPN Server.

Hub                            - Select Virtual Hub to Manage
HubCreate                  - Create New Virtual Hub
HubCreateDynamic     - Create New Dynamic Virtual Hub (For Clustering)
HubCreateStatic          - Create New Static Virtual Hub (For Clustering)
HubDelete                   - Delete Virtual Hub
HubList                       - Get List of Virtual Hubs
HubSetDynamic          - Change Virtual Hub Type to Dynamic Virtual Hub
HubSetStatic               - Change Virtual Hub Type to Static Virtual Hub

# Server Management Mode

VPN Server>

# 查看有什麼 Hub


HubList command - Get List of Virtual Hubs
Item              |Value
Virtual Hub Name  |VPN
Status            |Online
Type              |Standalone
Users             |6
Groups            |1
Sessions          |2
MAC Tables        |2
IP Tables         |4
Num Logins        |21
Last Login        |2019-08-14 17:00:25
Last Communication|2019-08-14 17:24:55
Transfer Bytes    |4,850,222,176
Transfer Packets  |12,134,775
The command completed successfully.

# Virtual Hub management mode (管理某 Hub)


Hub command - Select Virtual Hub to Manage
The Virtual Hub "DEFAULT" has been selected.
The command completed successfully.


# 返回 Server Management Mode


# Online / Offline

VPN Server/DEFAULT> Online

VPN Server/DEFAULT> Offline

# Reboot

# All currently connected sessions and TCP connections will be disconnected


# Status

# VPN Server/DEFAULT>StatusGet

Item                         |Value
Virtual Hub Name             |DEFAULT
Status                       |Online
Type                         |Standalone
SecureNAT                    |Disabled
Sessions                     |2
Sessions (Client)            |1
Sessions (Bridge)            |0
Access Lists                 |0
Users                        |1
Groups                       |0
MAC Tables                   |43
IP Tables                    |62
Num Logins                   |14
Last Login                   |2016-12-14 15:55:03
Last Communication           |2016-12-14 16:18:20
Created at                   |2016-12-01 17:14:35
Outgoing Unicast Packets     |9,425,809 packets
Outgoing Unicast Total Size  |624,561,195 bytes
Outgoing Broadcast Packets   |105,306 packets
Outgoing Broadcast Total Size|12,880,646 bytes
Incoming Unicast Packets     |495,020,812 packets
Incoming Unicast Total Size  |63,519,669,474 bytes
Incoming Broadcast Packets   |7,013,868 packets
Incoming Broadcast Total Size|829,330,357 bytes


VPN Server/DEFAULT>PolicyList


# The access list is a set of packet file rules that are applied to packets that flow through the Virtual Hub.

VPN Server/DEFAULT>AccessList



to allow or deny connection from a VPN Client when this client attempts connection to the Virtual Hub

Mac & Ip

# built by the Virtual Hub automatically analyzing the contents of the communication throughput.

VPN Server/DEFAULT>MacTable

Item        |Value
ID          |406811166
VLAN ID     |-
MAC Address |34-12-98-71-62-4F
Created at  |2016-12-14 16:01:27
Updated at  |2016-12-14 16:01:39
Location    |On 'softether.local'

# automatically generated by analyzing the contents of communication

VPN Server/DEFAULT>IpTable

ID          |896073399
IP Address  |
Created at  |2016-12-05 16:20:53
Updated at  |2016-12-14 16:27:17
Location    |On 'softether.local'


VPN Server/DEFAULT>SecureNatStatusGet

Item                     |Value
Virtual Hub Name         |DEFAULT
NAT TCP/IP Sessions      |0 Session
NAT UDP/IP Sessions      |0 Session
NAT ICMP Sessions        |0 Session
NAT DNS Sessions         |0 Session
Allocated DHCP Clients   |0 Client
Kernel-mode NAT is Active|No
Raw IP mode NAT is Active|No
The command completed successfully.

VPN Server/DEFAULT>DhcpGet

Item                           |Value
Use Virtual DHCP Function      |Yes
Start Distribution Address Band|
End Distribution Address Band  |
Subnet Mask                    |
Lease Limit (Seconds)          |7200
Default Gateway Address        |
DNS Server Address 1           |
DNS Server Address 2           |None
Domain Name                    |
Save NAT and DHCP Operation Log|Yes
Static Routing Table to Push   |

 * 要 Enable SecureNAT Function 才有 DHCP function



Hub Preformance turning


VPN Server/DEFAULT>SetMaxSession 64


Local Bridging


  Local Bridging
| [vhub] --- NIC |

Local bridging is used to connect a virtual network and a physical network on the Ethernet level(layer 2).

Multiple local bridges can be created, although it is not possible to register the same Virtual Hub/ physical network adapter

# NIC Requirements

Operate in promiscuous mode

If the Promiscuous Mode (MAC Address Spoofing) is administratively disabled,

the Local Bridge function between a Virtual Hub on the VPN Server and a physical network adapter on the physical computer does not work well.

You should allow the Promiscuous Mode (MAC Address Spoofing) by using the configuration tool of the VM.

# NIC Setting (Disable Protocol Stack)

Where there is a network adapter prepared on the computer for use exclusively in local bridging,

it is recommended that the TCP/IP protocol and other protocol stacks be disabled on that network adapter to enhance performance.

( both the frame buffer copied )

No Protocol Stack is Used for the Local Bridge Network Adapter

Where there is a network adapter prepared on the computer for use exclusively in local bridging,

it is recommended that the TCP/IP protocol and other protocol stacks be disabled on that network adapter to enhance performance.

The role of the local bridge network adapter is to release Ethernet frames between the Virtual Hub and the physical LAN,

entirely without the need for intervention from the protocol stack of the OS running the Virtual Hub.


assigning an IP address of to the local bridge network adapter.

# Local Bridge Sessions

Local bridge sessions are virtual sessions created automatically

for the Virtual Hub by the VPN Server in order to connect the Virtual Hub and physical network adapter.

# VPN Bridge does not have the following functions of VPN Server

Function for receiving a VPN connection (as a VPN server) and associated functions
Function for creating several Virtual Hubs
Virtual Layer 3 switching function
Packet filtering function using the access list

# Get List of Network Adapters Usable as Local Bridge



# List Hub


Item              |Value
Virtual Hub Name  |DEFAULT
Status            |Online

# Create Local Bridge Connection

Permission: entire VPN Server Administrator


Virtual Hub Name to Create Bridge: DEFAULT
Bridge Destination Device Name: lan

# Get List of Local Bridge Connection


Number|Virtual Hub Name|Network Adapter or Tap Device Name|Status
1     |DEFAULT         |ens192                            |Operating

Local Bridge Status


    Operating:    functioning normally
    Error:           "device does not exist" error
    Offline:         does not exist or is offline

# Delete Local Bridge Connection

要求 Permission: entire VPN Server Administrator



Virtual Hub Name to Delete Bridge: DEFAULT
Bridge Device Name to Delete: ens192

# Using Tap Devices

The Linux version VPN Server / VPN Bridge allow the creation of a new tap device and bridging to that device.


 * 當 Bridge 要改 interface 時, 那要刪除原本的 Bridge 再建立過


System Info



Item                            |Value
Product Name                    |SoftEther VPN Server (64 bit)
Version                         |Version 4.20 Build 9608   (English)
Build                           |Compiled 2016/04/17 21:59:35 by yagi at pc30
Host Name                       |softether.local
Server Type                     |Standalone Server
Type of Operating System        |Linux
Product Name of Operating System|Linux
Operating System Vendor         |Red Hat, Inc.
Operating System Version        |CentOS Linux release 7.0.1406 (Core)
Type of OS Kernel               |Linux Kernel
Version of OS Kernel            |Linux Kernel


Item                                          |Value
Server Type                                   |Standalone Server
Number of Active Sockets                      |46
Number of Virtual Hubs                        |1
Number of Sessions                            |0
Number of MAC Address Tables                  |37
Number of IP Address Tables                   |43
Number of Users                               |1
Number of Groups                              |0
Using Client Connection Licenses (This Server)|0
Using Bridge Connection Licenses (This Server)|0
Outgoing Unicast Packets                      |9,329 packets
Outgoing Unicast Total Size                   |1,106,867 bytes
Outgoing Broadcast Packets                    |4,982 packets
Outgoing Broadcast Total Size                 |625,451 bytes
Incoming Unicast Packets                      |614,891 packets
Incoming Unicast Total Size                   |106,346,431 bytes
Incoming Broadcast Packets                    |8,155 packets
Incoming Broadcast Total Size                 |1,039,035 bytes
Server Started at                             |2016-12-02 (Fri) 12:18:03
Current Time                                  |2016-12-02 12:24:36.048
64 bit High-Precision Logical System Clock    |392987

Caps - Get List of Server Functions/Capability

Item                                                           |Value
Beta Version (Pre-release build)                               |No
Works as VPN Bridge Software                                   |No
Cluster Controller Mode                                        |No
The Virtual Hub Types in a Cluster are Fixed                   |Yes
Cluster Member Mode                                            |No
Running on VM (Virtual Machine)                                |Yes
Either Free or Open-Source Version of SoftEther VPN            |Yes
Local Bridge is Supported                                      |Yes
Packet Capture Driver is Not Installed                         |No
Standalone Mode                                                |Yes
Virtual Hub-Specific Source IP Address Limit Lists is Supported|Yes
Conditioning by Group name is Supported in Access List         |Yes
Automatic Deletion of Log Files is Supported                   |Yes
VPN Azure is Supported                                         |Yes
Cascade Connection is Supported                                |Yes
Server Authentication for Cascade Connection is Supported      |Yes
Client Certificates for Cascade Connection is Supported        |Yes
Specifing MAC Address in Access Lists is Supported             |Yes
Checking TCP Connection State Filtering is Supported           |Yes
Operation as Part of a Cluster is Supported                    |Yes
Integrated Administration for All Cluster Nodes is Supported   |Yes
Operating as a Cluster Controller                              |No
Changing Virtual Hub Settings is Supported                     |Yes
Changing Settings for Saving Log is Supported                  |Yes
Remote Reading and Writing of Config File is Supported         |Yes
Virtual Hub-Specific Certificate Revocation Lists is Supported |Yes
Dynamic DNS Client Function is Supported                       |Yes
DDNS via Proxy Server is Supported                             |Yes
Tagged VLAN Packet Transparency Support tool is Supported      |No
Delay, Jitter and Packet Loss is Supported in Access List      |Yes
Virtual Hub Enumeration Setting is Supported                   |Yes
Virtual Hub Administration Options is Supported                |Yes
Virtual Hub Extended Option is Supported                       |Yes
Intel CPU AES Acceleration (AES-NI) is Active                  |Yes
IPsec / L2TP / EtherIP / L2TPv3 Server Functions are Supported |Yes
IPv6 IP Access Control Lists is Supported                      |Yes
IPv6 Access List is Supported                                  |Yes
The Virtual Layer 3 Switch is Supported                        |Yes
Management of Licenses is Supported                            |No
Limits for Multiple Login by Same User is Supported            |Yes
Message of Today function is Supported                         |Yes
Getting Network Friendly Name is Supported                     |No
OpenVPN Server Function is Supported                           |Yes
Security Policy version 3 is Supported                         |Yes
VoIP / QoS Functions is Supported                              |Yes
External Authentication Server is Supported                    |Yes
Retry Interval and Multi server is Supported in RADIUS Auth    |Yes
Downloading of Log Files is Supported                          |Yes
HTTP URL Redirection in Access List is Supported               |Yes
Renaming of Cascade Connection is Supported                    |Yes
SecureNAT is Supported                                         |Yes
VPN over ICMP and VPN over DNS is Supported                    |Yes
MS-SSTP VPN Server Function is Supported                       |Yes
Syslog Sending Functions is Supported                          |Yes
UDP Acceleration Function is Supported                         |Yes
VPN Gate Service Server Functions are Supported                |No
VPN Gate Service Server Functions (VPN Client integrated)      |No
Tagged VLAN ID is Supported in MAC Address Table               |Yes
Static Routing Table Pushing Function                          |Yes
Static Routing Table Pushing Function (Configurable)           |Yes
Tun/Tap Device is Supported (only in Linux)                    |Yes
SoftEther Lightweight Kernel-mode Ethernet Driver is Active    |No
Virtual NAT is Disabled (only DHCP Enabled)                    |No

Accepting Connection from VPN Client / Bridge                  |Yes



multiple TCP/IP ports to be set on standby and VPN client computers can then establish a VPN connection

* Stopping or removing all of the available listener ports makes it impossible to connect to that VPN Server again

Port Number|Status
TCP 443    |Listening
TCP 992    |Listening
TCP 1194   |Listening
TCP 5555   |Listening


# It does not display the TCP connections that have been established as VPN sessions.


Connection Name|Connection Source|Connection Start         |Type
CID-3          |localhost: 41229 |2016-12-02 (Fri) 18:26:34|Management RPC
CID-8          |localhost: 41655 |2016-12-05 (Mon) 16:21:25|Management RPC

# Get Information of TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server

ConnectionGet CID-8

Item                    |Value
Connection Name         |CID-8
Connection Type         |Management RPC
Source Host Name        |localhost
Client Port Number (TCP)|41655
Connection Start        |2016-12-05 (Mon) 16:21:25
Server Product Name     |SoftEther VPN Server (64 bit)
Sever Version           |4.20
Server Build Number     |9608
Client Product Name     |SoftEther VPN Command-Line Admin Tool
Client Version          |4.20
Client Build            |9608

# Disconnect TCP Connections Connecting to the VPN Server

ConnectionDisconnect CID-3


L2TP Setting


# Raw L2TP with No Encryption

only just a L2TP protocol without IPsec encryption.
To support such a strange device, you have to enable it.

# EtherIP / L2TPv3

EtherIP and L2TPv3 is for accepting VPN routers to build site-to-site VPNs.



So if no DHCP server, no login successes.

# L2TP Firewall

UDP 500 and 4500

firewall-cmd --add-port=500/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --add-port=4500/udp --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

成功 connection 的 log

2016-12-02 10:33:58.730 L2TP PPP Session []: An IP address is assigned. IP Address of Client:, Subnet Mask:, Default Gateway:, Domain Name: "", DNS Server 1:, DNS Server 2:, WINS Server 1:, WINS Server 2:, IP Address of DHCP Server:, Lease Lifetime: 86400 seconds


VPN Connection Checking (Session)


VPN Server/DEFAULT>SessionList

Item            |Value
----------------+---------------------              # 此 Section 係咪都有
Session Name    |SID-LOCALBRIDGE-2
VLAN ID         |-
Location        |Local Session
User Name       |Local Bridge
Source Host Name|Ethernet Bridge
TCP Connections |None
Transfer Bytes  |48,680,716,293
Transfer Packets|380,593,301
Session Name    |SID-"Pre-Shared Key"-[L2TP]-8
VLAN ID         |-
Location        |Local Session
User Name       |Login-Username
Source Host Name|n.n.n.n
TCP Connections |1 / 1
Transfer Bytes  |36,072
Transfer Packets|270


VPN Server/DEFAULT>VPN Server/DEFAULT>SessionGet SID-"Pre-Shared Key"-[L2TP]-8

Item                                      |Value
Client IP Address                         |n.n.n.n
User Name (Database)                      |XXXXXXXX
Encryption                                |Enabled (Algorithm: IPsec - AES-CBC (256 bits))
Connection Started at                     |2016-12-14 (Wed) 15:55:03
Connection Name                           |CID-15


Final turning


Config File: vpn_server.config

To disable the Dynamic DNS Function

/etc/init.d/vpnserver stop        # 直接修改 config file 必須 stop service

Modify config

declare DDnsClient
        bool Disabled true
        byte Key ...
        string LocalHostname softether
        string ProxyHostName $
        uint ProxyPort 0
        uint ProxyType 0
        string ProxyUsername $


VPN Server>DynamicDnsGetStatus

# Disable 情況

DynamicDnsGetStatus command - Show the Current Status of Dynamic DNS Function
Error occurred. (Error code: 33)

# Enable 情況

Item                                    |Value
Assigned Dynamic DNS Hostname (Full)    |
Assigned Dynamic DNS Hostname (Hostname)|vpnNNNNNNNNN
DNS Suffix                              |
Global IPv4 Address                     |n.n.n.n
Global IPv6 Address                     |Connection to the server failed.

Disable ping a host

# UDP (1) / TCP (0)

Modify Config File

declare ServerConfiguration
    bool UseKeepConnect true
    string KeepConnectHost
    uint KeepConnectInterval 50
    uint KeepConnectPort 80
    uint KeepConnectProtocol 1

Modify By CLI:

VPN Server> KeepGet

Item                      |Value
Host Name                 |
Port Number               |80
Packet Send Interval (Sec)|50
Protocol                  |UDP/IP
Current Status            |Disable

VPN Server> KeepDisable

Nat Traversal

NAT Traversal is enabled by default.

A SoftEther VPN Server running on the computer behind NAT or firewall can accept VPN connections from the Internet,

without any special configurations on firewalls or NATs.

declare ServerConfiguration
    bool DisableNatTraversal true


NAT Traversal


The built-in NAT Traversal Function opens a "Punched Hole" on the NAT or firewall.

When the VPN Client or VPN Bridge attempts to connect to your VPN Server behind the NAT,

the connection packets will be lead through the hole.

The hole is created by the SoftEther VPN Server automatically, so you need nothing special on the NAT.


Virtual Layer 3 Switches


# Get List of Virtual Layer 3 Switches



Check VPN Support



VPN Server>OpenVpnGet

Item                        |Value
OpenVPN Clone Server Enabled|No
UDP Port List               |1194


VPN Server>IPsecGet

Item                                               |Value
L2TP over IPsec Server Function Enabled            |Yes
Raw L2TP Server Function Enabled                   |No
EtherIP / L2TPv3 over IPsec Server Function Enabled|No
IPsec Pre-Shared Key String                        |????????
Name of Default Virtual Hub                        |DEFAULT


VPN Server>SstpGet

Item                         |Value
SSTP VPN Clone Server Enabled|No

Vpn Over Icmp/Dns

VPN Server>VpnOverIcmpDnsGet

Item                        |Value
VPN over ICMP Server Enabled|No
VPN over DNS Server Enabled |No
The command completed successfully.


VPN Server>VpnAzureGetStatus

Item                         |Value
VPN Azure Function is Enabled|No






DNS         # 53/UDP

Ping         # ICMP

Enable VPN over X


"Encryption and Network" -> "VPN over ICMP / DNS Settings"

Config File:

declare ServerConfiguration
    bool EnableVpnOverDns true
    bool EnableVpnOverIcmp false

Client side disable VPN over X functions

appending "/tcp" suffix after the destination hostname.


It might causes memory-overflow or something problems on the "buggy routers" on the network.

Some routers might reboot because of these problems.


Speed test


Speed test 由 vpncmd 負責

Tools Mode

# speed 功能是在 tools mode 的

/opt/vpnserver/vpncmd /TOOLS


TrafficServer [port]

Default: 9821


/opt/vpnserver/vpncmd /TOOLS /CMD TrafficServer

The Network Traffic Speed Test Tool in Server Mode started.

Press the Enter key to stop the server program.

FW Port

firewall-cmd --add-port=9821/tcp --permanent


firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" source address="" port protocol="tcp" port="9821" accept' --permanent


Unit: bitps

TrafficClient [host:port] [/NUMTCP:numtcp] [/TYPE:download|upload|full] [/SPAN:span]


Specify the number of TCP connections to be concurrently established between the client and

the server for data transfer. If omitted, 32 will be used.


"download", "upload" or "full"(Default)

By specifying "download" the data will be transmitted from the server side to the client side.


Specify, using seconds, the time span to conduct data transfer for the measurement of throughput. Default: "15"


Multiple physical tcp connection aggregation



 * 要 Direct TCP/IP Connection 才會有 multiple physical tcp connection aggregation


Parallel Transmission Mechanism of Multiple Tunnels

When this function is enabled, the logical VPN Session will consist of several TCP (HTTPS) connections.

All packets will be added to one of the appropriate TCP connections with calculations of optimizing modules.

If some packet losses have been detected on a TCP connection of the logical VPN Session,

then the new packet will use another health VPN connection.


UDP Acceleration Function


If a VPN consists of two sites detects that UDP channel can be established, UDP will be automatically used.

Direct UDP channel

If direct UDP channel can be established, direct UDP packets will be used.

UDP Hole Punching

if there is something obstacles such as firewalls or NATs, the "UDP Hole Punching" technology will be used, instead.

The "UDP Hole Punching" uses the cloud servers which SoftEther Corporation operates on Internet.

Disable UDP Acceleration

UDP Acceleration can be disabled anytime by setting up so on the VPN-client side.


A pair of SoftEther VPN Client and SoftEther VPN Server will try to make a fast UDP-based VPN link between them,

even if both or any parties are behind the NAT or firewall.

In order to make a fast UDP-based VPN link, SoftEther VPN exploits the UDP Hole Punching (NAT-Traversal) technique.

Source Code

// Range of port numbers
#define    UDP_SERVER_PORT_LOWER     40000    // Minimum port
#define    UDP_SERVER_PORT_HIGHER    44999    // Maximum port


firewall-cmd --add-port=40000-44999/udp --permanent

firewall-cmd --add-port=40000-44999/udp


User/Group Security Policies


The Virtual Hub interprets the header information of all virtual Ethernet frames flowing over it internally to a high layer

(automatic recognition of ARP / IP / TCP / UDP / ICMP / DHCP etc) and

determines whether their communication content conforms to a security policy based on the results of that interpretation.


    [Allow access] is enabled

permission to make VPN connection to VPN Server

    [Maximum Number of TCP connections] is 32

maximum number of physical TCP connections consists in a physical VPN session

    [Time-out Period] is 20 seconds

period to wait before disconnecting a session when communication trouble occurs between the VPN Client / VPN Server

Useful Policy

Filter All Non-IP Packets

Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets.

Filter All IPv6 Packets

Disallow DHCP Server Operation

not be allowed to become a DHCP server

Enforce DHCP Allocated IP Addresses (IPv4)

only be able to use IPv4 addresses allocated by a DHCP server on the virtual network side.


Deny MAC Addresses Duplication

Deny IP Address Duplication (IPv4)

a risk of security because incorrect user can have an IP address

and also can send an IP address imposing the correct one.

This security policy can do it, not only for IP addresses, but also MAC addresses.

Privacy Filter Mode

A user which is set by this policy cannot communicate any other user who is set by this policy too.

This policy is convenient the situation that the administrator allows users to access to only the central servers,

but disallow to users to communicate each other, for security reason.

Deny Changing Password

Deny Non-ARP / Non-DHCP /Non-ICMPv6 broadcast

Deny Operation as TCP/IP server policy

session is unable to respond to a SYN packet in TCP from a separate session.

# cascade connection

Deny Bridge Operation policy         # cannot connect to the virtual hub as a [Router/ Bridge Mode] session.

Deny Routing Operation policy

Privacy Filter Mode policy              # Filters all direct intersession communication in sessions


Access list / IP access control list


the "access list" controls IP packets flowing in a Virtual Hub using their IP addresses, protocol port numbers and so on,

the "IP access control list" is used to refine the physical IP addresses of connection sources which can make a VPN connection to the Virtual Hub.


No Enumerate To Anonymous Users


Entering the host name and port number of the destination VPN Server in the Windows version SoftEther VPN Client Manager or

VPN Server Manager automatically acquires a list of the Virtual Hubs registered on that VPN Server and displays them in a drop-down list box.

This is known as "Virtual Hub anonymous enumeration"




Alternative to Promiscuous Mode

VMs prohibit the "Promiscuous Mode" (MAC Address Spoofing) on the network adapters by default.

 * All traffic that passes through SecureNAT is accurately logged in the security log file

NAT Mode Spec

 - User-mode NAT
 - Kernel-mode NAT
 - Virtual NAT Function: Maximum 4096 Dynamic Mapping    
 - Virtual DHCP Function

The SecureNAT 在 user mode 提供 NAT 及 DHCP server functions

Unlike the local bridge function, all settings of the SecureNAT function can be set by the Virtual Hub Administrators.

Enabling the SecureNAT function creates a virtual VPN session called a SecureNAT session within the Virtual Hub and

    creates a virtual network interface (VNI) as if there were a single network adapter within that VPN session.

This is called a virtual host network interface.

A virtual host network interface is layer 2 direct connected to the Virtual Hub.

SecureNAT Speed: 100mb~200mb


Default Setting

Virtual NAT and Virtual DHCP Server > SecureNAT Configuration

  • TCP Session Timeout: 1800s
  • UDP Session Timeout: 60s

Virtual DHCP Server 功能

* Allocating IP Addresses only without Allocating Default Gateway & DNS Server Addresses

* The LAN connected to the computer actually running the Virtual Hub is not affected
   (This does not apply in the case of local bridging)

* 支援 push route 到 client (RFC 3442 - Classless Static Route Option for DHCP)
   (SoftEther & OVPN Client Support, L2TP/SSTP 要看 OS)

# Format: IP/Subnet/Gateway




Client connected to SoftEther can't ping server itself (Server: linux)

* Limitations within the Linux or UNIX operating system
   (restriction lies with OS's internal kernel codes)

Please use localbridge to TAP device ("double-bridge" setup)

Tap device is created by the softether vpn server automatically when you add it, with name as "tap_" as the prefix in ifconfig.

Bridge it to your original LAN adapter using a linux bridge. Do not add tap1 with your own linux command.


Performance Setting


Virtual Hub Extended Options

GUI: Virtual Hub Name -> Properties -> Edit Virtual Hub Extended Options List


The IPv4 address table of the Virtual Hub will contain only private IPv4 addresses.


The Virtual Hub discards all IPv6 packets.

Filter All Non-IP Packet

All non-IP packets in sessions defined this policy will be filtered.

"Non-IP packet" mean a packet which is not IPv4, ARP nor IPv6.

Any tagged-VLAN packets via the Virtual Hub will be regarded as non-IP packets.




[1] softether high cpu usage

Do you use LocalBridge and SecureNAT? If so, packet is loop.

Changing the local bridge settings, in creating a tap device instead of a bridge device.

[2] Duplicate Packets on Softether Server

Destination host and SecureNAT virtual host send ping reply when SecureNAT operating mode is raw IP mode.

# 在 Server(s.s.s.s) 上行

tcpdump -n -v -i ens192 icmp dst c.c.c.c

# 有 6 組回應
10:54:58.744751 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 24573, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84)
    s.s.s.s > c.c.c.c: ICMP echo reply, id 45, seq 1, length 64
10:54:58.745281 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 4439, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84)
    s.s.s.s > c.c.c.c: ICMP echo reply, id 45, seq 1, length 64
10:54:59.742756 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 24968, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84)
    s.s.s.s > c.c.c.c: ICMP echo reply, id 45, seq 2, length 64
10:54:59.743149 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 4440, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84)
    s.s.s.s > c.c.c.c: ICMP echo reply, id 45, seq 2, length 64
10:55:00.742808 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 25312, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84)
    s.s.s.s > c.c.c.c: ICMP echo reply, id 45, seq 3, length 64
10:55:00.743384 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 128, id 4441, offset 0, flags [none], proto ICMP (1), length 84)
    s.s.s.s > c.c.c.c: ICMP echo reply, id 45, seq 3, length 64

# 在 Client(c.c.c.c) 上行

ping -c 3 s.s.s.s

64 bytes from s.s.s.s (s.s.s.s): icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=6.74 ms
64 bytes from s.s.s.s (s.s.s.s): icmp_seq=1 ttl=118 time=7.03 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from s.s.s.s (s.s.s.s): icmp_seq=2 ttl=54 time=6.99 ms
64 bytes from s.s.s.s (s.s.s.s): icmp_seq=2 ttl=118 time=6.99 ms (DUP!)
64 bytes from s.s.s.s (s.s.s.s): icmp_seq=3 ttl=54 time=7.01 ms



iptables -A OUTPUT -p icmp -m ttl --ttl-gt 100 -j DROP


firewall-cmd  --permanent --direct --add-rule ipv4 filter OUTPUT_direct 1 -o ens192 -p icmp -m ttl --ttl-gt 100 -j DROP




# Get Access List Rule List

Item     |Value
ID       |1
Action   |Pass
Status   |Enable
Priority |1001
Unique ID|2742539467
Contents |(ipv4) DstIPv4=, SrcUser=shawnn
Memo     |access_file_server
ID       |2
Action   |Discard
Status   |Enable
Priority |1002
Unique ID|3895156983
Contents |(ipv4) DstIPv4=, SrcUser=shawnn
Memo     |deny_access_other_server_in_office_lan

 * Allow VPN Client 上網不用加 Gateway IP & VPN Server IP


[Client](192.168.30.X)---[Office LAN](192.168.10.X)---[Internet]

GW: /

Traffic ACL on the Virtual Hub

GUI: Manage Virtual Hub -> Manage Access Lists

 * This kind of rule does not restrict connections to the virtual hub.

 * The default rule permits access

If you want to restrict connections to the virtual hub from a particular subnet,

then you need to set a rule at:

Manage Virtual Hub -> Virtual Hub Properties -> IP Address Control List




L3-mode => "VPN Client" session

The IP, GW, DNS address will be assigned on the virtual network adapter of OpenVPN automatically

L2-mode => "VPN Bridge" session

No IP-specific treatment will be done.

All Ethernet packets (MAC frames) will exchanged transparently between two or more sites.


在 Server 上見到 Client 一連就斷線:

2020-08-19 13:44:26.422 On the TCP Listener (Port 5555),
  a Client (IP address C.C.C.C, Host name "", Port number 25182) has connected.
2020-08-19 13:44:26.422 For the client 
  (IP address: C.C.C.C, host name: "", port number: 25182),
  connection "CID-73" has been created.
2020-08-19 13:44:27.438 OpenVPN Module: The OpenVPN Server Module is starting.
2020-08-19 13:44:27.438 OpenVPN Session 1 (C.C.C.C:25182 ->
  A new session is created. Protocol: TCP
2020-08-19 13:44:27.438 OpenVPN Session 1 (C.C.C.C:25182 -> Channel 0: A new channel is created.
2020-08-19 13:44:27.589 OpenVPN Module: The OpenVPN Server Module is stopped.
2020-08-19 13:44:27.589 Connection "CID-73" has been terminated.
2020-08-19 13:44:27.589 The connection with the client (IP address C.C.C.C, Port number 25182) has been disconnected.


Server CA / Cert 過了期 !!


Route traffic to another side



網路目的地         網路遮罩         閘道        介面              計量    261


# R.R.R.R 係 remote 的 WAN IP

網路目的地         網路遮罩         閘道        介面             計量      2
R.R.R.R   261

不 Route Traffic 到另一邊

[方法 0]

when using the virtual DHCP you are able to clear the Gateway field thus not giving the client a default gateway and
this results in not giving the client a default route.

[方法 1]

No Adjustments of Routing Table           # 唔 work =.=?

[方法 2]

You can just increase metric on vpn client adapter gateway (in Windows).

VPN client adapter -> properties -> tcp/ip -> advanced -> interface metric: 9999

route print

Active Routes:
Network Destination        Netmask          Gateway       Interface  Metric
  10000    # 當設定成 9999 時它會變 10000

[方法 3]

remove the route manually


Reset Administrator Password


1 shutdown the vpnserver manually

2. edit the server configuration

3. delete the admin hash

declare ServerConfiguration
    byte HashedPassword ******* (hashed password data)

3. Next time you start and try to login without password


Embedded web server and JSON-RPC server



API Suite allows:

creating users, adding Virtual Hubs, disconnecting a specified VPN sessions


Embedded web server

https://<server IP address>/admin/


/etc/init.d/vpnserver stop

vim vpn_server.config

"bool DisableJsonRpcWebApi" from "false" to "true"

/etc/init.d/vpnserver start


Reset Statistics


Delete that user and then create it back

修改 vpn_server.config, 清了藍色部份

declare UserList
    declare Traffic
      declare RecvTraffic
      declare SendTraffic


Access Server after VPN


Lan(123.0/24) - (123.251)Server(30.251) - VPN(

1. 建立新 NIC (tap_vpn) 並 set 成 vpn subnet ip (30.251)

/sbin/ifconfig tap_vpn netmask &> /dev/null

2. push route to client

# Checking on client

route print | findstr 123.0

# 30.11 係 client 連上 VPN 後獲得的 IP      2






  1. cd /opt
  2. ./vpnserver/vpnserver stop
  3. mv vpnserver vpnserver.bak
  4. tar -zxf softether-vpnserver-v4.42-9798-rtm-2023.06.30-linux-x64-64bit.tar.gz
  5. cp -a vpnserver.bak/adminip.txt vpnserver/
  6. cp -a vpnserver.bak/vpn_server.config vpnserver/
  7. cp -a vpnserver.bak/lang.config vpnserver/
  8. cd vpnserver
  9. make
  10. ./vpnserver start




SoftEther VPN 4.34 Build 9745 RTM

 * 加入了 Embedded web server 及 JSON-RPC server

