sox [global-options] [format-options] infile1
[[format-options] infile2] ... [format-options] outfile
[effect [effect-options]] ...
-t, --type FILE-TYPE
Gives the input type of the audio file
bits in each encoded sample (MP3 or GSM 及 a/u-law 無呢個 opts)
# wav to sln32
8kHz .sln
16kHz .sln16
32kHz .sln32
sox input.wav -t raw -b 16 -r 32k output.sln32
# mp3 to sln
apt-get install libsox-fmt-mp3
sox my-welcome.mp3 -t mp3 output.sln32
asterisk playback format
support: wav (mono, 8kHz sample rate, 16bit linear)
Recording a sound-file in Windows
# mp3 to wav
sox my_welcome.mp3 tmp.wav
file tmp.wav
tmp.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 16000 Hz
# Unexpected frequency mismatch 16000 (expecting 8000)
sox my_welcome.mp3 -r 8k -c 1 /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/myfile/my-welcome.wav
sox tmp.wav -r 8k -e signed-integer -c 1 -b 16 my-welcome.wav
# -c1 option to convert to mono
# -e ENCODING, --encoding ENCODING
Sometimes needed with file-types that support more than one encoding type.
signed-integer (PCM data stored as signed (`two's complement') integers.)
unsigned-integer (Commonly used with an 8-bit encoding size)
# mix | merge
-m|-M Equivalent to --combine mix and --combine merge