最後更新: 2023-03-23
- Install & Config
- Runners
- activebackup mode
- link-watchers
- Dump / Load config
Install & Config
# Rocky 8
dnf install teamd -y
# 查看有什麼 NIC (eth1, eth2)
nmcli con show
nmcli con add type team con-name team0 ifname team0
nmcli con add type team-slave ifname eth1 master team0
nmcli con add type team-slave ifname eth2 master team0
nmcli con mod team-slave-eth1 master team0
nmcli con show
NAME UUID TYPE DEVICE System eth0 75cc1dc0-835c-4ecb-8799-9e770e9a975f ethernet eth0 team0 80095ad7-8c34-450c-83d0-31c71a22ed4b team team0 team-slave-eth1 b9d337a5-5d55-4ae5-8b88-2c429c3002a5 ethernet eth1 team-slave-eth2 013b7e1e-8a8e-4d82-a595-6dc35f49c068 ethernet eth2
* team-slave-eth1 要 conn Up 後才有 DEVICE, 否則 DEVICE 是漏空的.
* After bringing a port up the team should become active
* Starting the network team interface does not automatically start the port interfaces.
nmcli con up team-slave-eth1
nmcli con up team-slave-eth2
# 查看 conn 的 Device
nmcli con show team-slave-eth2 | grep connection.interface-name
# 查看 up / down
nmcli device
nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.method manual
nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.addresses ''
nmcli con mod team0 ipv4.gateway ''
nmcli con show team0 ipv6.method disabled
# Config File
DEVICE=eth1 ONBOOT=yes NAME=team-slave-eth1 TEAM_MASTER=team0 DEVICETYPE=TeamPort
# JSON Config Example
ls -R /usr/share/doc/teamd/example_*
Runners are units of code which are compiled into the Team daemon
when an instance of the daemon is created.
它可以理解成 mode
runners: broadcast | round-robin(DEFAULT) | active-backup | loadbalance | lacp
Runner config in the JSON format configuration
teamnl - team network device Netlink interface tool
teamdctl - team daemon control tool
teamnl Usage:
teamnl teamdevname command [command args]
# By default team is using the roundrobin runner
teamdctl team0 state [-v]
setup: runner: roundrobin ports: eth1 link watches: link summary: up instance[link_watch_0]: name: ethtool link: up down count: 0 eth2 link watches: link summary: up instance[link_watch_0]: name: ethtool link: up down count: 0
# list all currently available options
teamnl team0 options
# list port in team
teamnl team0 ports
4: eth2: up 4294967295Mbit FD 3: eth1: up 4294967295Mbit FD
# Add / Remove a Port to a Network Team
teamdctl team0 port add em1
teamdctl team0 port remove em1
activebackup mode
# 轉成 activebackup mode
nmcli con mod team0 team.runner activebackup
# Apply Settings
nmcli connection up team0
# 轉 active port
teamnl team0 ports
4: eth2: up 4294967295Mbit FD 3: eth1: up 4294967295Mbit FD
teamnl team0 getoption activeport
teamnl team0 setoption activeport 4
Link-state Monitoring
link-watchers: ethtool(Default) | arp_ping
# runner being delay notified about it. unit: milliseconds
"link_watch": { "name": "ethtool", "delay_up": 2500, "delay_down": 1000 }
* when using the lacp runner, ethtool is the only recommended link-watcher
sticky & prio
"ports": { "em1": { "prio": 20, }, "em2": { "prio": 10, "sticky": true } }
ARP Ping
# interval: milliseconds
"link_watch":{ "name": "arp_ping", "interval": 100, "missed_max": 30, "source_host": "", "target_host": "" }
cat MyConfig.json
{ "runner": { "name": "activebackup" }, "link_watch": { "name": "ethtool" }, "ports": { "eth1": { "prio": 1, "sticky": true }, "eth2": { "prio": 10 } } }
nmcli con mod team0 team.config MyConfig.json
nmcli connection up team0
VM 測試
virsh domiflist rocky8
Interface Type Source Model MAC ----------------------------------------------------------- r8 bridge vmbr0 virtio 88:88:88:88:88:25 r8a bridge vmbr0 virtio 88:88:88:88:82:43 r8b bridge vmbr0 virtio 88:88:88:88:82:44
virsh domif-setlink rocky8 r8a down
Dump / Load config
# Dump of team device configuration
teamdctl team0 config dump
{ "device": "team0", "runner": {"name": "broadcast"}, "ports": {"em1": {}, "em2": {}} }
# Dump of nic of team
teamdctl team0 port config dump eth1
{ "prio": 1, "sticky": true }
# Load config
nmcli con mod team0 team.config 'JSON'