在 debaing 被 tmpreaper 取代
tmpwatch [-u|-m|-c] [-MUadfqstvx] [--verbose] [--force] [--all] [--nodirs] [--nosymlinks] [--test] [--fuser] [--quiet] [--atime|--mtime|--ctime] [--dirmtime] [--exclude path] [--exclude-user user] time dirs
By default, tmpwatch dates files by their atime
If no suffix is specified, time is in hours
suffix: m for minutes, h for hours, d for days
It does not follow symbolic links in the directories it's cleaning
skips lost+found directories owned by the root
only removes empty directories, regular files, and symbolic links
useful opts
-t, --test Don't remove files, but go through the motions of removing them.
-d, --nodirs Do not attempt to remove directories, even if they are empty.
/usr/sbin/tmpwatch 24 /var/spool/amavisd/tmp
/usr/sbin/tmpwatch -d 720 /var/spool/amavisd/quarantine