最後更新: 2021-04-09
Extension: .wv
Compression Mode
- lossless mode(compression ratio: 30% ~ 70%)
- hybrid compression mode ( lossy file + "correction" file)
HomePage: https://www.wavpack.com/
- Support: up to 32-bit integer/float PCM;
- Support: DSD
- Assembly language optimizations for x86, x64, and ARM
- Instantly seekable and streaming capable
- ReplayGain
- Uses ID3v1
- MD5 audio checksums for verification
"high" mode (-h)
this will increase both the packing and unpacking time by about 50%
For the best lossless compression WavPack can offer, use -hhx6
the -x switch works well with these two modes(high, fast)
-hh = very high quality
This option slows both by about a factor of about 2,
and is not recommended for use on portable devices
because of the high CPU load required for decoding.
extra encode processing (optional n = 1-6, 1 = default)
Because the standard compression parameters are optimized for "normal" CD music audio,
this option works best with "non-standard" audio
每一次取樣會比對本次取樣和上一個樣本值的變動, 接下來使用0和1來記錄振幅的變化
0代表比上一個訊號值來得低, 1代表比上一個訊號值來格高
DSD藉由非常高的取樣頻率, 將以往量化不精準所造成的失真, 下降到一個位元以內的誤差