最後更新: 2024-10-18
- Flush Cache(create-invalidation)
- Pricing
- 找出 Distributions Id 及 DomainName
- Cache 的 TTL
- 限制只准 CloudFront 訪問 Server
- Cache Header
- Access Logs
Flush Cache(create-invalidation)
Cache behaviors per distribution Default: 25
Flush User 的 Permission
- ListDistributions
- ListInvalidations
- GetInvalidation
- CreateInvalidation
查看 CloudFront 的 ID (用於 CFID)
aws cloudfront list-distributions
Remove specific files from cache
aws cloudfront create-invalidation \ --distribution-id $CFID \ --paths "/static/example-file.css" "/static/example-file.jpg"
Remove all content from a specific directory
aws cloudfront create-invalidation \ --distribution-id $CFID \ --paths "/static/*"
Remove all objects stored in cache
aws cloudfront create-invalidation \ --distribution-id $CFID \ --paths "/*"
Check Status
aws cloudfront get-invalidation \ --distribution-id $CFID \ --id $ID
"--id" 由 "create-invalidation" 獲得
常目 file cache type
- png, jpg, ico
- mp4
- woff2
- css, js.map
- js, css.map
- Data Transfer Out to Internet
- Transfer Out to Origin
Regional Data Transfer Out to Internet (per GB)
HK USD$0.120 # First 10TB (1TB=HK$960)
Regional Data Transfer Out to Origin (per GB)
HK USD$0.060
- Request Pricing for All HTTP Methods (per 10,000)
HK HTTP/HTTPS USD$0.0090/$0.0120
- Invalidation requests
An invalidation path can be for a single file (such as /images/logo.jpg) or for multiple files (such as /images/*).
A path that includes the * wildcard counts as one path even if it causes CloudFront to invalidate thousands of files.
No additional charge for the first 1,000 paths requested for invalidation each month. (one AWS account)
Thereafter, $0.005 per path requested for invalidation.
- Real-time log requests
Real-time logs are charged based on the number of log lines that are generated.
You pay $0.01 for every 1,000,000 log lines
Price class
Options 1
Use North America, Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Africa
Options 2
Use all edge locations (best performance)
找出 Distributions Id 及 DomainName
aws cloudfront list-distributions > CF.txt
# .[4] 係看第 5 隻 cloudfront 的 settings
jq '.DistributionList.Items | .[4]' CF.txt | less
# 看它的 Id 及 DomainName
jq '.DistributionList.Items | .[4] | .Id, .DomainName' CF.txt
Cache 的 TTL
Distributions > Behaviors > Your Rules > Object caching
- Use origin cache headers
- Customize
Use origin cache headers
Server is adding a "Cache-Control" header to your objects to control how long the objects stay in the CloudFront cache
The "origin cache headers" are always used, with either selection.
The only difference is whether you're using the standard 0/86400/31536000 values or Customize values...
Customize = 當 Server 沒有回應 Cache-Control header 時, 使用自定的 cache time
The Custom Read timeout, in seconds. By default, AWS enforces a limit of 60. But you can request an increase.
限制只准 CloudFront 訪問 Server
1. Secret Header
2. 限 IP
禁止 Cache 的 path call php
Cache Header
Reponse header:
x-cache: Miss from cloudfront x-cache: Hit from cloudfront
Access Logs
Cloudfront 一共有兩款 logs, 分別是
- standard logs (存放在 S3)
- real-time logs
* 不是每個 S3 Regions 都可以放 logs
standard logs
- 每 5 ~ 10 分鍾保存一次 log
Log Fields
- date time
- x-edge-location [HKG62-C2]
- sc-bytes c-ip
- cs-method [GET], cs(Host) [ID.cloudfront.net], cs-uri-stem
- sc-status [200]
- cs(Referer), cs(User-Agent), cs-uri-query, cs(Cookie)
- x-edge-result-type [Hit], x-edge-request-id [Base64], x-host-header
- cs-protocol [https], cs-bytes, time-taken,
- x-forwarded-for
- ssl-protocol, ssl-cipher, x-edge-response-result-type [Hit]
- cs-protocol-version [HTTP/2.0], fle-status, fle-encrypted-fields, c-port
- time-to-first-byte, x-edge-detailed-result-type [Hit],
- sc-content-type [application/pdf]
- sc-content-len sc-range-start sc-range-end
sc = cloudfront server
The total number of bytes that the server sent to the viewer (including headers)
The HTTP status code of the server's response.
How the server classified the response after the last byte left the server.
WebSocket connections will have a value of Miss for this field
Hit / Miss
RefreshHit - The server found the object in the cache but the object had expired,
so the server contacted the origin to verify that the cache had the latest version of the object.
- client error (the sc-status field is in the 4xx range)
- server error (the sc-status field is in the 5xx range)
alternate domain names (CNAMEs) in your object URLs (e.g. www.example.com)
cs(Host) 永遠都是 CF 的 domain name
由 server 收到 viewer's request 到 server 發出 last byte of the response