[方法1] dd 的 "direct" flag
# iflag=direct oflag=direct
dd if=vda.qcow2 of=tmp.qcow2 bs=8M iflag=direct oflag=direct
# 不能加 "iflag=direct"
dd oflag=direct if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=16M
[方法2] 建立 cgroup 去限制 memory usage
apt-get install cgroup-tools
env ppid=$$ sh -c ' cgcreate -g memory:backuptask; echo 256M > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/backuptask/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes; echo $ppid > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/backuptask/tasks;'
cp -a vda.qcow2 tmp.qcow2
cgcreate -g memory:/CopyShell
cgset -r memory.limit_in_bytes=128m CopyShell
echo $$ > /sys/fs/cgroup/memory/CopyShell/tasks
#!/bin/bash # tim@20210219 set -e MyPath=/sys/fs/cgroup/memory/CopyShell if [ ! -d $MyPath ]; then mkdir $MyPath fi # limit memory usage echo 256M > $MyPath/memory.limit_in_bytes; echo 256M > $MyPath/memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes; # new shell in CopyShell cgroup /bin/bash --init-file <(echo "export PS1='\u@CopyShell: '; echo 0 > $MyPath/tasks") -i rmdir $MyPath
nocache utility
nocache utility ( 獲得工具: nocache, cachestats, cachedel )
HomePage: https://github.com/Feh/nocache
This is done by intercepting the `open` and `close` system calls and
calling `posix_fadvise` with the `POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED` parameter
The pre-loaded library tries really hard to catch all system calls that open or close a file.
This happens by "hijacking" the libc functions that wrap the actual system calls.
In some cases, this may fail, for example because the application does some clever wrapping.
(That is the reason why __openat_2 is defined: GNU tar uses this instead of a regular openat.)
apt-get install nocache
nocache 測試
# 當 copy 後會 cleanup cache
nocache cp -a vda.qcow2 tmp.qcow2
cachestats vda.qcow2 # cachestats tmp.qcow2 都有相同 result
pages in cache: 271168/3555104 (7.6%) [filesize=14220416.0K, pagesize=4K]
# cachedel calls posix_fadvise(fd, 0, 0, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) on the file argument.
# Thus, if the file is not accessed by any other application, the pages will be eradicated from the fs cache.
i.e. clean file cache
cachedel vda.qcow2