最後更新: 2016-02-22
RouterOS implements SNTP protocol defined in RFC4330
Simple Network Time Protocol
NTP server or client reaches a very high level of accuracy and avoids abrupt timesteps as much as possible
by using different mathematical and statistical methods and smooth clock speed adjustments,
SNTP can only be recommended for simple applications, where the requirements for accuracy and reliability are not too demanding.
Current time
/system clock> print
time: 10:30:23 date: aug/24/2018 time-zone-autodetect: yes time-zone-name: Asia/Hong_Kong gmt-offset: +08:00 dst-active: no
Config NTP Client
/system ntp client> set enabled=yes
/system ntp client> set server-dns-names=stdtime.gov.hk
# 未成功
/system ntp client> print
enabled: yes server-dns-names: stdtime.gov.hk mode: unicast poll-interval: 16s active-server:
poll-interval (Time interval; read-only property) :
Current iterval between requests sent to the active server.
Initial value is 16 seconds, and it is increased by doubling to 15 minutes.
active-server (IP address; read-only property) :
Currently selected NTP server address. This value is equal to primary-ntp or secondary-ntp.
# 成功後
/system ntp client> print
enabled: yes server-dns-names: stdtime.gov.hk mode: unicast poll-interval: 2m8s active-server: last-update-from: last-update-before: 45s700ms last-adjustment: -3ms537us