最後更新: 2018-01-02
在 Windows 加 self sign certificates
* Administrators is the minimum group membership required to complete this procedure.
By CLI: certutil
certutil -addstore -f "ROOT" /path/to/selfsigned.crt
簽章符合公開金鑰 憑證 "E=x@y, CN=z, OU=IT, O=IT, L=HK, S=HONG KONG, C=HK" 已新增到存放區中。 CertUtil: -addstore 命令成功完成。
GUI1: By double click crt file
If It's a Root CA Certificate Select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"
If It's a Certificate for a Webserver (e.g. Www.mydomain.com) Select "Trusted Publishers"
* 要因應 Cert. 的類型選擇不同的 install 位置.
GUI2: mmc.exe
mmc -> On the File menu, click Add/Remove Snap-in
-> Under Available snap-ins, click Certificates,and then click Add.
ROOT: 受信任的根憑證, 會用 CN 的名保存在 "發給" (不是用 crt 的檔名)